Lokal Eatout
Lokal Application for the end customer to have a better experience with the cafe
Lokal Application for the end customer to have a better experience with the cafe
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User Phone Number Verification: User phone numbers are verified using OTP
Menu Improvements:
• Menu Search
• Horizontal scrollable categories to easily navigate through the menu.
User Profile:
• User Categories/Badge: User are assigned badges on the basis of their earned loyalty points (Basic, Silver, Gold)
• Edit Profile: Users can now edit their information
• User Addresses: User can manage their address under profile
Order Improvements:
Order placement experience is improved for users, by implementing more user friendly flows and better UI.
• Banners: order banner are displayed on the home screen to show order summary to users.
• Update Oder (Dine In): User can update their order during Dine-In Sessions
• Order Details: order detail are displayed with better UI.
• Order Summary: Order Preview Screen is shown before order placement.