NEWS2 Chart

Interactive NEWS2 chart which shows score, risk and response based on your input

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsNo
LaunchedJun 13, 2018
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The NEWS2 chart made interactive in an app. Just tap the physiological parameters of your patient and the NEWS2 score will be shown including the estimated clinical risk (Low, Low-medium, Medium or High) and the preferred response (Ward-based, Urgent ward-based, Key threshold for urgent response or Urgent or emergency response)

By pressing the score button a screenshot is made and a selection menu is shown to share it using whatapp, e-mail, mms or another preferred communication app.

Health app declaration:
This app can be used for:
- Clinical decision support
- Emergency and first aid


NEWS2 Chart screenshot 1
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 2
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 3
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 4
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 5
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 6
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 7
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 8
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 9
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 10
NEWS2 Chart screenshot 11

Version History

Last version released 205 days ago.

1.9Aug 29, 2024

Updated Android libraries

1.7Sep 19, 2022

Updated Android libraries

1.6Jan 30, 2022

Updated Android libraries

1.5Sep 03, 2021

Updated Android libraries

1.4Jun 25, 2018

Added a feature to forward a screenshot using e-mail, whatsapp, mms or any other communication app you have installed on your phone. Just tap the NEWS2 score, or the NEWS2 score header and a selection screen will open for you to select the desired app to use for sharing the screenshot.

1.3Jun 20, 2018

- Slightly improved text scaling
- Changed default 'Response' setting from GP to RCP, tap the response button to switch between the two

1.1Jun 15, 2018

- Improved scaling of text within buttons
- Made app available for tablets
- Reduced APK size

LaunchedJun 13, 2018

Other Information