Pakistan Citizen Portal
Pakistan Citizen Portal - An integrated citizens grievance redressal system
Pakistan Citizen Portal - An integrated citizens grievance redressal system
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Pakistan Citizen Portal is an integrated citizens grievance redressal system connecting all government organizations both at federal and provincial levels. The system will serve as carrier of complaints to their respective offices across all over Pakistan. Eventually, the citizen feedback will be linked to an officer’s performance and promotion. The App will serve as complementary channel between citizen and government.
Version History
Last version released 214 days ago.
-Minor bug fixes
- Ui/Ux design fixes
-location issue fixed
-Minor bug fixes
- Ui/Ux design fixes
-Minor bug fixes
- Ui/Ux design fixes
- According to Zaara Act new version of "zainab alter" available.
-Minor bug fixes
- Ui/Ux design fixes
- According to Zaara Act new version of "zainab alter" available.
1) Bugs fixes.
1) Fixed bugs related to documents attachment issues.
2) There are few updates for overseas users during registration and profile section.
1) Fixed bugs related to documents attachment issues.
2) There are few updates for overseas users during registration and profile section.
1) Bugs fixes.
1) New fields are added while registering complaint in kamyab jawan category.
2) Bugs fixes.
1) In registration new fields added.
2) Network operator field added for sms issue.
3) Modify user profile section.
4) Bugs fixes.
1) Worked on app optimization.
2) Fixed: minor bugs.
3) Fixed: feedback issue.
1) Worked on app optimization.
2) Fixed: minor bugs.
3) Fixed: feedback issue.
1) worked on app optimization.
2) Fixed: minor bugs.
3) New options added related to AGP.
1) Fixed: Issues related to alters (notifications) of latest app versions.
2) Fixed: minor bugs.
1) Fixed: Issues related to alters (notifications) of latest app versions.
2) Fixed: minor bugs.
1) Issues related to announcements fixed.
2) Fixed: minor bugs.
1) Optimised app performance
2) Fixed: minor bugs.
1) Optimised app performance
2) Fixed: minor bugs.
1) New Design issues fixed.
2) Optimised app performance
3) Fixed: minor bugs.
1) New Design issues fixed.
2) Optimised app performance
3) Fixed: minor bugs.
1) New Design Implemented.
2) Optimised app performance
3) Suggestions
4) Fixed: minor bugs.
Mobile Verifications enables for inland Users.
Mobile Verifications enables for inland Users.
Bugs fixes related to complaint submission via smart search.
Bugs fixes related to complaint submission via smart search.
Bugs fixes related to complaint submission via smart search.
Bugs fixes related to email verification.
Bugs fixes related to email verification.
Bugs fixed related to profile .
Verification module added.
Bugs fixed related to profile .
Verification module added.
Bugs fixed related to forgot password and user feedback.
1-Bugs fixes.
2-Citizen must update their missing profile section.
Bugs fixes related to registration.
Bugs fixes related to attachments.
Bugs fixes related to profiles updates.
Fixed: Issues, Improved application response.
Fixed: Issues, Improved application response.
Fixed: Issues, Improved application response.
1-New update in Tiger relief force.
2-Bugs fixed.
1-New update in Tiger relief force.
2-Bugs fixed.
1-New update in Tiger relief force.
2-Bugs fixed.
1-Bugs fixes
2- Those who are registered in Tiger relief force they can see offers as acceptance or rejection
1- New Module Relief Tigers Force
2- Bugs Fixing
1) Bugs fixes.
2) Mandatory popup related to citizen identity check while submitting compliant added.
1) Adding of new category related to corruption
2) Department selection against corruption
3) Extra fields for specific category added
4) Mandatory popups and checklist to monitor citizens
1) Subject field is added in complaint form and complaint details page
2) Feedback mandatory check is removed, now feedback is optional
3) Fixed: Address N/A issue on complaint details page
4) Fixed: Increased complaint text display limit for complaint listing page
5) Fixed: minor bugs and issues
6) Optimized app performance
Added Nadra verified urdu name
Added Nadra verified check for CNIC number
Fixed: Citizen Registration issue
- Bugs fixed regarding complaint submission.
- Registered mobile number of user is showing in profile section and side menu.
- Bugs fixed regarding complaint submission.
- Registered mobile number of user is showing in profile section and side menu.
Fixed, App Crashing issue for latest mobile devices.
Fixed: Provinces listing issue.
Updated: Drop complaint button name and Popup message for better understanding.
Updated: Review complaint button name and Popup message for better understanding.
App level push notification are added to get notifications against any activity performed on complaint process.
New categories are added for complaint listing.
New Districts and Tehsils are added.
Now User can choose his/her concerned officer for complaint submission, request to drop his/her complaint from App, can request to review his/her dropped complaint in dropped section.
Now complaint history can be seen by last date activity performed.
Updated UI
Bugs fixed
Release notes
1) Users can watch videos now from officer's attachments provided in complaint remarks.
2) Users can play audio attached by officers in complaint remarks.
3) Users can view the documents attached by officers in complaint remarks section.
4) Change username functionality added.
5) Change Email functionality added.
6) Issue with feedback button fixed.
7) Users can see their provided positive and negative feedback.
8) Improved User Experience.
9) Bugs Fixing.
1) App crash issue is fixed for Android version 5 and below
2) Users can now provide information on their complaints upon request by officers
3) Privacy Policy Added
4) Improved User Experience
5) Bugs Resolved
1) Users can now provided information on their complaints upon request by officers
2) Privacy Policy Added
3) Improved User Experience
4) Bugs Resolved
Added Dropped Complaint section
Added Inbox Message section
Added User Manual
New Permissions added for the notifications purpose
Bugs Fixing
Improved User Experience
Added Dropped Complaint section
Added Inbox Message section
Added User Manual
New Permissions added for the notifications purpose
Bugs Fixing
Improved User Experience
Improvement in performance
updated team display pictures
New complaint categories added
Bug fixes
Other Information
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