Connecting talent to opportunities
Connecting talent to opportunities
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Welcome to the Gloat Talent Marketplace app. Join to manage or apply for career opportunities within your organization. Create your profile in seconds, and get personalized suggestions to help you develop your skills, meet new people, and take ownership of your career. Looking for talent? Download the app and instantly get a list of the best people in your company who are up for the task.
Gloat's Talent Marketplace helps companies democratize career development, unlock skills, and future-proof their workforce with the help of a powerful AI engine.
Used by the world’s most innovative enterprises, Gloat helps individuals throughout the organization engage with internal opportunities that align with their personal goals, as well as with the needs and priorities of the business. As enterprises harness their workforce’s untapped talent, employees can move their career forward and unlock unprecedented organizational agility.
Get the app and start exploring.
Version History
Last version released 403 days ago.
Discover endless possibilities for career growth with our new search feature! Now you can search, scroll, and find opportunities with ease–on the go. Start searching for your next career opportunity now!
Bug fixes
Say hello to My opportunities!
Now employees can easily explore, navigate, and
track the opportunities they’ve engaged with–from applications to successful
matches to closed opportunities.
‘My opportunities’ includes 4 tabs:
● Saved: for saved opportunities
● In progress: for pending opportunities
● Successful: for opportunities that were successfully completed (‘Match’)
● Closed: for opportunities that didn’t yield a successful outcome
Employees who use Gloat’s mobile app can now enjoy the new application flow–on-the-go:
- Full page application
- Opportunity owner display
- Confirmation step
The profile page just got a facelift! Enjoy improved navigation, clear call-to-actions, and a better user experience.
Bug fixes
The My Development page is now available from your mobile device. Share the skills you'd like to develop, the experiences you'd like to gain, and your dream jobs so we can help match you with your next opportunity!
We've added Career Planning so you can view personalized career paths, gain insight into skill gaps, and uncover new opportunities to bridge gaps all from your mobile device.
Security updates and bug fixes
Security updates and bug fixes
Security updates and bug fixes
New application menu design
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Security updates - An option to enable a PIN code for mobile launch
Unsave pinned opportunities
Managed configuration
Security updates
Camera storage access
New brand logo
Multiple bug fixes and improved user experience
Other Information
Show Details