The solution for this is the GCR Slot Management App.
The solution for this is the GCR Slot Management App.
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Slot coordination is becoming more commonplace at airports. The interchange of information necessary from GA Pilots and small aviation businesses is challenging and complex. This can occasionally be a deal-breaker, preventing the flight from specific airports as scheduled. The GCR Slot Management App is the answer to this problem.
Quite incredibly simple to use, and the app will notify you if and when your slot time has been updated or changed.
Flights may need to be cancelled or rescheduled as a result of not being able to secure the necessary slots in time, incurring operational costs that have an impact on both the passengers' experience and the business' ability to make a profit. Financial issues are seriously impacted by slot management that is not well-planned and timely. Don't wait around for slot times; use your time flying instead!
The following features are available:
* Seamless account creation
* Easy SLOT request submission
* Notice of active and accepted slot times
* Managing ad-hoc modifications like cancellations, delays, etc. from within the cockpit -- all of which can be done with ease using your smartphone
* Supports all airports in Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Island, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, and Lithuania. For help with other airports, get in touch with us.
Version History
Last version released 622 days ago.
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