DTSS-Defend the solar system

The solar system is being attacked and you have a mission to save it.

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsYes
LaunchedAug 27, 2018
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Creatures from other galaxies try to invade our solar system, but a space pilot named Ramon in a desperate attempt strives at all costs to drive out invaders to protect us.
Ramon is the best pilot of the DTSS (Defend The Solar System) space agency, with extensive experience in battles.


DTSS-Defend the solar system screenshot 1
DTSS-Defend the solar system screenshot 2
DTSS-Defend the solar system screenshot 3
DTSS-Defend the solar system screenshot 4

Version History

Last version released 2348 days ago.

1.0.8b51Oct 12, 2018

Bug fixing. en-IN

1.0.8b50Sep 22, 2018

- Changes in layout
- Daily Bonus
- Weekly gift
- New skills
- Integration with Google Play Games
- Correction of crashes
- Improvements

1.0.8b49Aug 30, 2018

- Changes in layout
- Daily Bonus
- Weekly gift
- New skills
- Integration with Google Play Games
- Correction of crashes
- Improvements

LaunchedAug 27, 2018

Other Information