BankRI Mobile Banking
Bank Rhode Island Mobile Banking is a free service
Bank Rhode Island Mobile Banking is a free service
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Bank Rhode Island Mobile Banking is a free service that allows you to access your BankRI accounts from your Android. Services include viewing your account balances and transaction history, receiving account alerts, transferring money between your accounts, and paying bills.
To enable Mobile Banking you must first be enrolled in BankRI's Online Banking service. For more information, visit
(Phone connectivity and usage rates may apply to your use of Mobile Banking. Please contact your service provider for more details.
Version History
Last version released 1556 days ago.
Performance enhancements and minor bug fixes.
*New look and feel
*Easier Mobile Check Deposit Photo Capture
*Ability to Add, Edit and Delete Payees
*Import Payees from Contact List
*Many other enhancements and bug fixes
• Choose which Mobile Banking page to start on with “Select Landing Page” in the new Preferences section.
• Reorder account list with the new drag and drop feature in the My Accounts section.
• Change your password for both Mobile and Online Banking in the new Preferences section.
• Choose which Mobile Banking page to start on with “Select Landing Page” in the new Preferences section.
• Reorder account list with the new drag and drop feature in the My Accounts section.
• Change your password for both Mobile and Online Banking in the new Preferences section.
•Conveniently add Person to Person (P2P) payment recipients from your device’s contact list
•Change your Mobile/Online Banking ID and Password
•View paid checks and deposited items
•Remember Me - Log in faster by saving your Mobile Banking ID
•Locate branches using Google Street View