Farmacias Roma
Medicines, groceries, and products for the whole family.
Medicines, groceries, and products for the whole family.
Total Ratings
Everything you need from Farmacias Roma is just a click away.
With the Farmacias Roma App, it's easier to take care of your health. Find everything you're looking for, at the best price, from generic and patented medicines, hygiene and beauty products, dermatological products to a mini-supermarket for those last-minute purchases. Plus, you can buy tickets for the best events.
Quick product search
· Scan the barcode, filter through the more than 15,000 available products and find what you need easily.
Free home delivery
· We send your products to your home at no additional cost! You can also schedule your order to pick up at your nearest branch.
You decide the payment method
· You can pay for your products online or upon receipt of your order, with Visa or Mastercard cards, or in cash.
Use your Romapesos
· Activate your digital card! Check your balance and use your Romapesos on your purchases from the app or in branches.
Find your branch
· Find the nearest Farmacias Roma branch. Our app provides you with precise directions to the branch you are looking for.
Exclusive offers and promotions
· Access special offers, exclusive discounts and loyalty plans for our online customers.
Download the updated version of our app and experience the convenience of having all Farmacias Roma close to you.
Version History
Releasing updates every 27 days on average. Last update 91 days ago.
- We have improved tracking of your orders, making it easier to check every stage of your order in real time.
- We fixed bugs and improved overall app performance
- We have improved tracking of your orders, making it easier to check every stage of your order in real time.
- We fixed bugs and improved overall app performance
- Improvements and bug fixes
- Improvements and bug fixes
- Improvements and bug fixes
- Improvements and bug fixes
- Improvements to attach recipe
- Bug fixes
- Discover Important product details! Explore the New Product Detail Screen.
- More details at your fingertips! Explore complete product information.
- Finding what you’re looking for is now much easier! Now you can browse using active ingredients of all medications.
- Now discovering what you need is easier than ever! Our predictive search engine has been improved for an even faster and more accurate experience.
- Now you can filter your searches to find exactly what you need.
- Discover Important product details! Explore the New Product Detail Screen.
- More details at your fingertips! Explore complete product information.
- Finding what you’re looking for is now much easier! Now you can browse using active ingredients of all medications.
- Now discovering what you need is easier than ever! Our predictive search engine has been improved for an even faster and more accurate experience.
- Now you can filter your searches to find exactly what you need.
- Scanner improvements
- Application startup improvements
- Change of text in the address section, when there is a product with a medical prescription in the cart
- Keyboard changes
- App improvements
- App improvements
- Promotional campaign
- New zoom in product image
- App improvements
- Account verification.
- Rate your last order.
- Zoom in on product images.
- Improvements in barcode scanning.
- General improvements.
- Bug fixes and app improvements
- Scheduled orders
- Promotional codes
- Bug fixes and app improvements
- Now you can request your Roma card from the application.
- Bug fixes and app improvements
- Now you can request your Roma card from the application.
- Bug fixes and app improvements
Bug fixes and app improvements
Improvements and error fixes.
Improvements and fix errors.
Navigation updates and bugs fixes.
-User experience improvements and bug fixes.
-Improvement in user messages.
-Improvement in application navigation.
-Improvement in images.
-Better experience for scanning.
-Intuitive navigation
-Expanded catalog
-Buy tickets online
-Location of branches
-Exclusive offers and promotions
-Adjustments and improvements
-Improvements in the application
Verification process for user accounts
Improvement in notifications for order tracking
-Improvement in order collection process
-Adjustments and improvements
Improvement in offer and promotion icons.
Redesign in navigation to Product Categories.
Enhanced version updates.
Update for payment of services
-Improvement in the association of your Roma card
-Improvements in the product search engine
Adjustments and improvements
Adjustments and improvements
-Improves and fixes
Improves and fixes
-Adjustments and improvements
Improves and fixes
-Improves and fixes
-Improves and fixes
-Improves and fixes
Improves and fixes
-Improves and fixes
Other Information
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