EXYU Player
EXYU Player simple iptv player with free advanced features.
EXYU Player simple iptv player with free advanced features.
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EXYU Player is your fast and simple iptv player with free advanced features, EXYU Player is your perfect solution to play and manage your live iptv channels and vod playlists fast, easy on (mobile phones, android boxes and fire tv stick etc .)
The app comes with a Speed Test where you can really test your internet connection.
The official EXYU Player does not contain any media content.
- EXYU Player does not supply or include any media or content.
- Users must provide their own content
- EXYU Player has no affiliation with any media content suppliers or providers.
- We do not endorse the streaming of copyright-protected material without the permission of the copyright holder.
Version History
Last version released 769 days ago.
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