Air1 Stickers
Send Positive Vibes! With Air1 Stickers!
Send Positive Vibes! With Air1 Stickers!
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Air1 is THE worship station. NO judgment, just God’s grace and fun. Text your friends and family with stickers for everyday life. Whatever your #mood we’ve got a sticker for you. Maybe you ate a whole pizza by yourself?! No judgement! Not a morning person? It’s ok start the day with Coffee + Jesus.
Quick tips on installing and using Sticker apps:
Open the Air1 Stickers in your iMessages: Tap the App Store button next to your compose box in your iMessages.
At the bottom menu, select the Air1 Stickers app.
Use the Air1 Stickers: Once you’ve decided what sticker to use, Tap it once to send as a message.
If you tap and hold down a sticker, you have the option of dragging and dropping the sticker on a text, bubble, another sticker, photos or videos as well as expanding or shrinking the sticker
Version History
Last version released 2191 days ago.
Easter stickers for our peeps!
Shout out to the real MVP with these springtime stickers!
We made something new and wonderful just for YOU!
New Air1 Stickers!