Pray for those in our communities and submit your personal prayers.
Pray for those in our communities and submit your personal prayers.
Total Ratings
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Pray for others and submit prayers so that others may pray for you.
Version History
Last version released 1232 days ago.
NOTE: This app will be decommissioned at the end of November 2021. The app will no longer work after 11/30/21. Please transition to the KLOVE or Air1 app. Thank you!
* Under-the-hood changes
Misc. fixes and back-end improvements
Password reset available for non-EMF staff
Misc. fixes and back-end improvements
Password reset set up for non-EMF staff
- When a prayer first loads, the I Prayed button will lock for 3 seconds to prevent double-taps
- Other misc. under-the-hood fixes
- Updated to a new font
- Improved app security
- Other under-the-hood fixes
-- Please note: You may be logged out after installing this update. This is normal and will not happen again in future updates.
* Added Dark Mode! 🌛 Requires that your phone supports dark mode at this time
* Added prayer count under the prayer text
* Fixed focus mode font color in light theme
* Corrected sizing of the text in the focus modal
* Fixed an issue causing an error with no categories selected
* Fixed issue with the Impact calendar on the 1st of the month
Welcome to the new Pray4One app!
This is the initial publicly available release. Future changelogs will include more details about what may have changed.
Added scrolling to the screens
show prayer metrics for 2019
changes in prayercard view style