IIT JEE Mains & Advanced Prep
JEE Mains/Advanced Previous Year Solved Papers, Mock Test, JEE Preparation App
JEE Mains/Advanced Previous Year Solved Papers, Mock Test, JEE Preparation App
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JEE Mains & JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Preparation App is the best IIT JEE learning app for IIT JEE Main & Advanced helping you prepare for JEE 2025 (Joint Entrance Exam) & other engineering entrance exam like BITSAT, VITEEE, SRMJEEE, KCET, AIEEE, MHTCET, WBJEE, OJEE, UPSEE, COMEDK, MIT & others.
This self paced learning app will help you prepare without any external IIT/NIT/IIIT coaching or iit jee offline coaching classes
You don't need any IIT JEE books free download after you download our Best JEE Preparation App for the exam. Seriously, it's the Best free app for JEE exam Preparation, we bet!
JEE Mains & JEE Advanced 2025 Engineering Exam Preparation App offers all the syllabus, study material, mcqs, tests, mocks for free.
Details & Features:
★ IIT JEE Questions & Study Material for all subjects: Important Notes, Chapter-wise MCQs, JEE Lectures for all subjects of Class 11th & Class 12th
★ Class 11 Physics & Class 12 Physics Notes, JEE Video Lectures, JEE Main MCQs
★ Class 11 Chemistry & Class 12 Chemistry IIT JEE Formulas, Tips & Tricks for jee, JEE Mains & Advance Important Notes, including Kota Notes.
★ Class 11 Maths & Class 12 Maths for JEE Preparation: Mathematics Important Formulae
★ JEE Advanced Syllabus for IIT JEE 2025
★ 35 Year IIT JEE Question Bank: Questions have been arranged Chapter-wise & Topic-wise
★ 15 Years JEE Mains Solved Paper: iit jee previous year papers with solutions
★ AIEEE Question Papers with Solutions for years 2005 to 2012
★ Get Free JEE Mains Mock Tests with All India Rank as per the real pattern of the examination: BITSAT Mocks, WB-JEE Mock Test Series, Additional Mock Tests for NATA, DCE CEE
★ Mock Tests for JEE Main & Advanced & Free Mock Test Series
★ NCERT, HC Verma, DC Pandey, Irodov based Notes & solutions
★ Sample Papers for all the exams
★ Free Study Material with JEE Mains & Advanced very high quality Important Notes, MCQ Test
★ Largest Collection of MCQ Test in JEE Main Preparation App
★ Subject-wise tests, Practice Test, JEE Advanced MCQs & Mocks are updated regularly
★ NTA based Past Year Question Papers with solutions
★ Latest News & Information about JEE Exam
★ NTA JEE mains previous year solved question paper of jee mains & jee advanced
★ Best App for JEE Preparation
★ Past Year Question Papers of previous years of JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT, SRMJEE of 2024, 2023, 2022 and all 17 year question papers with solutions & detailed explanations & question bank of various engineering entrance exams
★ Best IIT JEE Preparation App also covers extra books for free & provide lots of JEE MCQs App
★ Students can solve doubts through Discuss Tab & is a doubt clearing app
★Score 99+ percentile & improve your rank with all in one EduRev IIT-JEE courses app
MUST DOWNLOAD APP FOR JEE STUDENTS & is Best JEE App is now available for free download.
Best App for IIT JEE preparation and is free to use
Check out the award-winning EduRev App and the website at www.edurev.in
Download the App & improve IIT-JEE result.
Wishing you all the very best for your exam. - Team EduRev :)
Please note this app is intended for IIT JEE exam preparation only.
This is not an official government app.
Version History
Releasing updates every 14 days on average. Last update 43 days ago.
🎓 Seamlessly switch between learning and practice with a new button on home
📚 Effortlessly browse your courses with a Netflix-style grid
🤖 Have your questions solved in real-time with EduRev AI
🎯 Easily stay on track with custom countdown for your exam
🖥️ Enjoy a smoother & better app experience on tablets
⏲️ Set question-wise time limits & other features while creating your own tests
🏃 Navigate faster with speed improvements
🎓 Seamlessly switch between learning and practice with a new button on home
📚 Effortlessly browse your courses with a Netflix-style grid
🤖 Have your questions solved in real-time with EduRev AI
🎯 Easily stay on track with custom countdown for your exam
🖥️ Enjoy a smoother & better app experience on tablets
⏲️ Set question-wise time limits & other features while creating your own tests
🏃 Navigate faster with speed improvements
🎓 Seamlessly switch between learning and practice with a new button on home
📚 Effortlessly browse your courses with a Netflix-style grid
🤖 Have your questions solved in real-time with EduRev AI
🎯 Easily stay on track with custom countdown for your exam
🖥️ Enjoy a smoother & better app experience on tablets
⏲️ Set question-wise time limits & other features while creating your own tests
🏃 Navigate faster with speed improvements
🎓 Seamlessly switch between learning and practice with a new button on home
📚 Effortlessly browse your courses with a Netflix-style grid
🤖 Have your questions solved in real-time with EduRev AI
🎯 Easily stay on track with custom countdown for your exam
🖥️ Enjoy a smoother & better app experience on tablets
⏲️ Set question-wise time limits & other features while creating your own tests
🏃 Navigate faster with speed improvements
🤖Introducing EduRev AI, where all your doubts and queries find instant solutions
📚Now get table of contents for every document to quickly access each section of the document
📝Now view test questions in both list and grid view in our refreshed interface
⏰Option to add learning reminders on both documents and courses
🎯Filter courses on home using new topic-wise filters
🤓 New text formatting button at the top of doc screen to let you easily adjust text size and background color to your liking
💪 Practice & Revise feature on Course screen for repeated question practice and topic revision to reinforce your concepts
📈 Revamped Profile screen to help with your preparation with personalized insights and improvement tips
📚 Discover all notes and tests at one spot in Learn and Practice on the top of Learn screen
🤓 New text formatting button at the top of doc screen to let you easily adjust text size and background color to your liking
💪 Practice & Revise feature on Course screen for repeated question practice and topic revision to reinforce your concepts
📈 Revamped Profile screen to help with your preparation with personalized insights and improvement tips
📚 Discover all notes and tests at one spot in Learn and Practice on the top of Learn screen
🤓 New text formatting button at the top of doc screen to let you easily adjust text size and background color to your liking
💪 Practice & Revise feature on Course screen for repeated question practice and topic revision to reinforce your concepts
📈 Revamped Profile screen to help with your preparation with personalized insights and improvement tips
📚 Discover all notes and tests at one spot in Learn and Practice on the top of Learn screen
Here's what's new:
🎯 Make a commitment to your learning with our daily learning goal feature. Take our 7 day challenge and build a habit of learning every day
📚 Study more efficiently by getting personalised learning recommendations based on your learning activity
😇 Get your personalized analysis and performance insights with new Analysis button in sidebar and improve your study approach
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content.
Pretty cool release by our android team that you can't afford to miss.
Some highlights
🗣️ Listen to docs on the go with new Text to Speech feature
🔎 Improved Search feature with category filter
⏰ Never miss your daily study schedule, add reminders to Google Calendar from app
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content
📝 Practice for multiple chapters at once with new dynamic test 2.0 module
Update the app now to get more features :)
Pretty cool release by our android team that you can't afford to miss.
Some highlights
🗣️ Listen to docs on the go with new Text to Speech feature
🔎 Improved Search feature with category filter
⏰ Never miss your daily study schedule, add reminders to Google Calendar from app
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content
📝 Practice for multiple chapters at once with new dynamic test 2.0 module
Update the app now to get more features :)
Pretty cool release by our android team that you can't afford to miss.
Some highlights
🗣️ Listen to docs on the go with new Text to Speech feature
🔎 Improved Search feature with category filter
⏰ Never miss your daily study schedule, add reminders to Google Calendar from app
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content
📝 Practice for multiple chapters at once with new dynamic test 2.0 module
Update the app now to get more features :)
Pretty cool release by our android team that you can't afford to miss.
Some highlights
🗣️ Listen to docs on the go with new Text to Speech feature
🔎 Improved Search feature with category filter
⏰ Never miss your daily study schedule, add reminders to Google Calendar from app
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content
📝 Practice for multiple chapters at once with new dynamic test 2.0 module
Update the app now to get more features :)
#StudyWhatMatters easily with the latest EduRev App Update! 💯🤩
- New screen to view all docs of a course & videos of a course at one place
- Improved reading experience with scroller
- New graphs in analysis section to give you more accurate insights
- New quick review option on test screen
- Introduced new cheaper & flexible multi-year plans with quick checkout option
Experience faster search results, improved dark mode, smoother learning and much more by updating your EduRev App now!
#StudyWhatMatters easily with the latest EduRev App Update! 💯🤩
- New screen to view all docs of a course & videos of a course at one place
- Improved reading experience with scroller
- New graphs in analysis section to give you more accurate insights
- New quick review option on test screen
- Introduced new cheaper & flexible multi-year plans with quick checkout option
Experience faster search results, improved dark mode, smoother learning and much more by updating your EduRev App now!
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”
- Peter Drucker
How can you improve if you don’t know how much are you progressing, how much are you studying and how are your scores improving!?
We thought of this and thought of building a solution for it! So with this version, you can now check your past study activities, time spent each day & report card for your scores & improvement!
We also made some more cool improvements for you. So don't wait any longer, update your app now :D
**EduRev is now the best designed app for learning! **
- Intuitive, clean & minimal design across app to avoid distraction while learning
- Improved performance analysis for dynamic test
- New clean UI for Video screen
- Optimized Side drawer for better in-app navigation
- New feature to set a reminder so you don’t miss your study schedule
Also some bug fixes & technical improvements for better and faster app experience.
⭐ EduRev is now the best designed app for learning - really!
😃 Test & Questions UI improved even more for a great test attempt experience
🔍 Test Results & Analysis improved to give you deeper insights of your performance
🤩 Discuss questions from attempted tests directly while asking a question
😇 New data/insights under course section to track your learning progress
📈 New Level algo making learning more fun
💯 Even more cleaner & minimal design
⚠️ Resolved some bugs & crashes
⭐️ EduRev is now the best designed app for learning - really!
🌙 Cool new Night mode introduced as requested
🤩 Even Better Learn Screen with better ways/tabs to access docs, videos, tests and courses
📈 A whole new Level algo which makes learning more fun
💯 An even more cleaner and minimal design
⚠️ Some of common occurring bugs and crashes also resolved in this update
We made EduRev into the best designed app for learning! Really!!
🥁Also Introducing Dark Mode🥁
Learn without any discomfort or fear of eye strain with choice of Dark or Light Mode
Update includes:
- Fixed bugs, improved performance ensures smooth & problem-free learning
- Clean & Minimalist design so you can focus on learning & not get distracted
- Improved Daily Streaks design to help you build good learning habits
Plus a lot more that we can't write it all over here 😛 Go checkout now!
We made EduRev into the best designed app for learning! Really!!
Update includes:
Intuitive, clean & minimal design across app to avoid distraction while learning
Doc & video screen with a cleaner view plus features like auto-play, saving video time watched etc
Improved Daily Streaks design & flow to help you build good learning habits
Refreshed Profile section to keep all at your fingertips
Plus much more that we can't write all over here 😛 Go checkout now!
We made EduRev into the best designed app for learning! Really!!
Update includes:
Intuitive, clean & minimal design across app to avoid distraction while learning
Doc & video screen with a cleaner view plus features like auto-play, saving video time watched etc
Improved Daily Streaks design & flow to help you build good learning habits
Refreshed Profile section to keep all at your fingertips
Plus much more that we can't write all over here 😛 Go checkout now!
We made EduRev into the best designed app for learning! Really!!
Update includes:
Intuitive, clean & minimal design across app to avoid distraction while learning
Doc & video screen with a cleaner view plus features like auto-play, saving video time watched etc
Improved Daily Streaks design & flow to help you build good learning habits
Refreshed Profile section to keep all at your fingertips
Plus much more that we can't write all over here 😛 Go checkout now!
*Major Update* 🤩
-Much Improved UI for Course and Content screens 🙇♀️🙇♂️
-Sharing gets easier: Share your questions, answers and test scores with your friends more easily 🤟
-Improved font at different places to help you read better! ✍️
-Easier to navigate with extra screens removed
-Now you can select and enlarge Images in questions 🔎
-Cute Little Design Changes to get you smiling more 😊
-Tried Dynamic Tests yet?
-Killed some Bugs which were bothering you 👻
*Major Update* 🤩
-Much Improved UI for Course and Content screens 🙇♀️🙇♂️
-Sharing gets easier: Share your questions, answers and test scores with your friends more easily 🤟
-Improved font at different places to help you read better! ✍️
-Easier to navigate with extra screens removed
-Now you can select and enlarge Images in questions 🔎
-Cute Little Design Changes to get you smiling more 😊
-Tried Dynamic Tests yet?
-Killed some Bugs which were bothering you 👻
*Major Update* 🤩
-Much Improved UI for Course and Content screens 🙇♀️🙇♂️
-Sharing gets easier: Share your questions, answers and test scores with your friends more easily 🤟
-Improved font at different places to help you read better! ✍️
-Easier to navigate with extra screens removed
-Now you can select and enlarge Images in questions 🔎
-Cute Little Design Changes to get you smiling more 😊
-Tried Dynamic Tests yet?
-Killed some Bugs which were bothering you 👻
*Major Update* 🤩
-Much Improved UI for Course and Content screens 🙇♀️🙇♂️
-Sharing gets easier: Share your questions, answers and test scores with your friends more easily 🤟
-Improved font at different places to help you read better! ✍️
-Easier to navigate with extra screens removed
-Now you can select and enlarge Images in questions 🔎
-Cute Little Design Changes to get you smiling more 😊
-Tried Dynamic Tests yet?
-Killed some Bugs which were bothering you 👻
- Dark Mode is now available for docs and tests 🌃
- Continue viewing docs from where you left
- Continue attempting Practice Tests from where you left
- Made reading and watching videos experience better
- Added more bugs 🐛 to be fixed later
-EduRev Streaks (beta) is now available on the app! You can now build your learning streaks with docs, videos and tests 🔥
-Killed some Bugs which were bothering you👻
-New Downloading Feature
-Did you try to view Marked questions from Sidebar?
-Test experience got better and cleaner
-Have you tried Dynamic Tests yet?
-You can now pay via Google Pay/PhonePe too
Just try it out, and let us know! :)
-Cute Little Design Changes to get you smiling more 😊
-Killed some Bugs which were bothering you👻
-New Downloading Feature
-Did you try to view Marked questions from Sidebar?
-Test experience got better and cleaner
-Have you tried Dynamic Tests yet?
-You can now pay via Google Pay/PhonePe too
Just try it out, and let us know! :)
-Cute Little Design Changes to get you smiling more 😊
-Killed some Bugs which were bothering you👻
-New Downloading Feature
-Did you try to view Marked questions from Sidebar?
-Test experience got better and cleaner
-Have you tried Dynamic Tests yet?
-You can now pay via Google Pay/PhonePe too
Just try it out, and let us know! :)
-Major Design Changes for a brighter UI
-Create your own tests now with dynamic tests
-You can now view all your saved/marked questions from the sidebar
-Simpler to use with Discuss and Feed getting a complete new merged look
-Test experience got much better and cleaner
-Major update with Lot of bug fixes as well
-Major Design Changes for a brighter UI
-Create your own tests now with dynamic tests
-You can now view all your saved/marked questions from the sidebar
-Simpler to use with Discuss and Feed getting a complete new merged look
-Test experience got much better and cleaner
-Major update with Lot of bug fixes as well
-Major Design Changes for a brighter UI
-Create your own tests now with dynamic tests
-You can now view all your saved/marked questions from the sidebar
-Simpler to use with Discuss and Feed getting a complete new merged look
-Test experience got much better and cleaner
-Major update with Lot of bug fixes as well
-Major Design Changes for a brighter UI
-Create your own tests now with dynamic tests
-You can now view all your saved/marked questions from the sidebar
-Simpler to use with Discuss and Feed getting a complete new merged look
-Test experience got much better and cleaner
-Major update with Lot of bug fixes as well
-Major Design Changes for a brighter UI
-Create your own tests now with dynamic tests
-You can now view all your saved/marked questions from the sidebar
-Simpler to use with Discuss and Feed getting a complete new merged look
-Test experience got much better and cleaner
-Major update with Lot of bug fixes as well
-Major Design Changes for a brighter UI
-Create your own tests now with dynamic tests
-You can now view all your saved/marked questions from the sidebar
-Simpler to use with Discuss and Feed getting a complete new merged look
-Test experience got much better and cleaner
-Major update with Lot of bug fixes as well
-New PDF viewer which works offline
-All Screens are now faster
-EduRev App is also available in Hindi
-Some of the docs can now be accessed offline
-The new Invite & Earn program is now available for EduRev Apps
This build is all about you, all that you guys asked for has been worked upon and delivered:
-Now images can be attached with answers
-Problem of video starting from start on rotation has been rectified
-Critical bugs reported including the ones which were making the app hang at certain junctures
-And the Launch of EduRev Infinity!!!
* All new content screen with improved flow for learning
* You can now check similar questions on every question page
* A tour Integrated within the app to help you understand each feature better
* Multiple bug fixes and small UI changes on multiple screens
* Daily recommendations for improved learning and experience
* All new content screen with improved flow for learning
* You can now check similar questions on every question page
* A tour Integrated within the app to help you understand each feature better
* Multiple bug fixes and small UI changes on multiple screens
* Daily recommendations for improved learning and experience
* All new content screen with improved flow for learning
* You can now check similar questions on every question page
* A tour Integrated within the app to help you understand each feature better
* Multiple bug fixes and small UI changes on multiple screens
* Daily recommendations for improved learning and experience
* All new content screen with improved flow for learning
* You can now check similar questions on every question page
* A tour Integrated within the app to help you understand each feature better
* Multiple bug fixes and small UI changes on multiple screens
* Daily recommendations for improved learning and experience
* All new content screen with improved flow for learning
* You can now check similar questions on every question page
* A tour Integrated within the app to help you understand each feature better
* Multiple bug fixes and small UI changes on multiple screens
* Daily recommendations for improved learning and experience
-Engineers are telling me about a lot of bugs killed & improvements made in a complex language which I have forgotten by now as I was daydreaming about dinner
-I can definitely say you would see another phase of our revamped design
-NOW, You can raise 'demands' & even upload your notes for friends & teachers to improve their courses
-The engineer hasn't slept in 7 nights for major changes for efficiency & SPEED which could lead to major bugs, so tell us if you find them, he doesn't sleep anyhow
With the change of season, your favorite learning app is back with some major changes:
- Your learning gets more personalized with recommended content & tests on the all-new home-screen
- Features like continue viewing to keep your learning spree unbroken & 'Beat the Score' for you to make some records
- Sharing gets easier on EduRev
- Simple left swipe now takes you to the next question
- An overall cleaner look + feel
- Mass elimination of any & every bug we could find, and it still continues
Why are we back with an update:
-Who is kicking ass, You or your friend? You can find out now on the newly added 'COMPARISON' tab (profile screen)
-After all your requests, you can now UPLOAD your own notes from the app
-All those BUGS from the planet 'IDK! What Happened?' were successfully defeated!
-Which is the section with maximum bugs fixed?
The Quiz Section!
-We fixed PayTM portal bug since no one uses cash now!?
-As with every update, we made things faster again, esp. the course page
Why are we back with an update:
-Who is kicking ass, You or your friend? You can find out now on the newly added 'COMPARISON' tab (profile screen)
-After all your requests, you can now UPLOAD your own notes from the app
-All those BUGS from the planet 'IDK! What Happened?' were successfully defeated!
-Which is the section with maximum bugs fixed?
The Quiz Section!
-We fixed PayTM portal bug since no one uses cash now!?
-As with every update, we made things faster again, esp. the course page
The engineers are telling me about a lot of bugs killed and improvements made but they speak a language from another planet.
I can definitely see a new result screen which is easier to use and even looks a little better, I am less scared to look at my results now!
Also, joining and exploring new courses has never been simpler.
They also made the payment screen cleaner so we can avail the much needed smart offers! Rest I will leave it on you find out.
Ciao, until the next time. - EduRev
*An all-new result screen added
*Minor improvements to the test interface
*Lots of under the hood bug fixes
*Improved personal chat
*Improved notifications with badges
*Option to pay via PayTM added
*Perfectly displayed math equations
*Minor UI improvements and animations
*Lots of under the hood bug fixes
*Improved personal chat
*Improved notifications with badges
*Option to pay via PayTM added
*Perfectly displayed math equations
*Minor UI improvements and animations
*Lots of under the hood bug fixes
*New Feed algorithm
*Option to report Questions and Answers
*Check the length of video and doc even before opening it
*Visible changes
*Improvements for reliability and speed
*Many under the hood changes for your fun
*Get best offers for each course now
*and of course we killed a lot of bugs, did a lot of fixes for your seamless experience!
*Critical Bug Fixes
*Design of Courses Changed
*Faster loading of multiple screens with errors resolved
*Critical Bug Fixes
*Design of Courses Changed
*Faster loading of multiple screens with errors resolved
*Critical Bug Fixes
*Design of Courses Changed
*Faster loading of multiple screens with errors resolved
*Critical Bug Fixes
*Design of Courses Changed
*Faster loading of multiple screens with errors resolved
*Completely New Design for an easier usage
*100s of small improvements and bug fixes!
*Completely New Testing Interface
Improvements for reliability and speed
Resolved bugs
*Critical Bug of Courses not opening resolved (coming soon error)
One to One messages now enabled
Followers and Following List can now be seen in the app
Discuss Feature now added. Now solve doubts with students from all over India
+ Design Improvements & Bug Fixes
Discuss Feature now added. Now solve doubts with students from all over India
+ Design Improvements & Bug Fixes
Other Information
Show Details