GNI Mobile
The National Intervener's guide in mobile version
The National Intervener's guide in mobile version
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The National Intervener's guide in mobile version - the main procedural knowledge accessible to everyone at any time. The GNI application has a search engine to easily find the answer to its operational question. By loading the contents onto your smartphone, you can also use it in offline mode.
Version History
Last version released 1403 days ago.
1.3.1May 06, 2021
Minor content updates
1.3.0Dec 18, 2020
Integration of an Interactive book of Reliability Practices (IRP) and provision of a QUIZ on radiation protection
1.2.1Oct 09, 2019
Minor content updates
1.2.0May 22, 2019
New: the app is now compatible with Android tablets.
1.0.2Feb 26, 2018
Corrections mineures.
1.0.1Jun 23, 2017
Correction chargement des données.
LaunchedJun 20, 2017