Mobility by Ecolane
Mobility by Ecolane allows passengers to manage their transportation on the go.
Mobility by Ecolane allows passengers to manage their transportation on the go.
Total Ratings
Mobility by Ecolane mobile app allows passengers from participating agencies to manage their transportation from the convenience of their smart phone.
- Flexibility to Manage Trips
- Empower riders with direct access to review and manage their trips
- View upcoming and completed trips, easily cancel trips
- Convenient Trip Details View
- Passenger notifications with accurate vehicle ETAs, reduce wait time
- Ability to follow bus on a visual map to see exact location
- Simple Mobile Interface
- 24/7 access to account profiles, settings and reservations
- Customize user preferences and save favorite destinations
NOTE: Access to some features will depend on the service guidelines for your individual transportation agency.
Version History
Releasing updates every 4 months on average. Last update 108 days ago.
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Added the ability to quickly book a trip via a “Book Now” button.
- Resolved issues with booking trips at certain times, as well as with the minimum advance booking time not being returned to the mobile apps in any Mobile APIs.
- Resolved issue where app was crashing when opening the map during trip booking.
- Added the ability to book a trip using deeplink attributes.
# Resolved issues with locations and app notifications preventing successful
use of the application.
Bug Fixes:
# Resolved issues with the address when selected from the locate on map while booking the trip.
# Resolved issues with the biometric login.
Updated Braintree payment drop In, Dagger, Moshi, gradle dependencies
Bug fixes:
1. Updated Braintree SDK (Cardinal Mobile SDK).
2. Corrected misspelling in changed password confirmation message.
3. Resolved issue that prevented onboarding from displaying upon initial login.
New Features:
1. Added ability to drag and drop pin to choose pick-up or drop-off location.
Bug Fixes:
1. Resolved issue where app was crashing upon clicking "No" at the return trip prompt.
2. Improved error message displayed when app cannot connect to the server.
Bug fixes including:
1) fixed crash in the Cancelling trips screen
2) Improvements on color contrast at Dashboard screen
Fixed crashes in cancel trips, map screens
Accessibility improvements on the following screens:
Account - Name Labels
Cancel Trip - Headings
Itinerary - Descriptive Labels, Keyboard Navigation, Status Messages
Mobility Aid - Headings, Alternative Text
New Trip - Name
Payment - Name, Descriptive Labels
Passengers - Headings, Name, Labels
Personal - Headings
Pickup Notes - Color Contrast, Labels
Specifics - Headings
Trips - Headings, Reading Order
Trip Details - Headings
New features and improvements:
1. Added a notification when canceling a trip to do so at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled pick up time.
2. Trip detail information of provider, vehicle number added into the details screen.
3. Driver name will no longer appear on the TripDetails screen.
Bug fixes including:
1. Improved address display during trip booking.
New features and improvements:
- Added a notification when canceling a trip to do so at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled pick up time.
- Trip detail information of provider, driver and vehicle number added into the details screen.
Bug fixes including:
- Improved address display during trip booking
Bug fixes
New features and improvements:
- Support for a notification about a new mobile application version available
- Support for notifications about vehicle arrival, rider no-show, or trip cancellation
Bug fixes including:
- Screen reader related fixes for increased accessibility support
- Fixes related to defining the date of birth in registration
A bug fixed in address selection on the booking form.
Accessibility improvements:
- Registration page
- Login page
- Book New Trip button
- Calendar view
Other improvements:
- The Powered by Google logo showed in the address search even if Google address autocomplete was not enabled. This has been corrected.
- Calendar usability improvements.
- Bug fixes.
Other Information
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