Ease (Benefits Matter)

Benefits information on demand

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsNo
LaunchedFeb 04, 2019
Store Categories

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Secure access to your benefits information on the go.

The Ease (formerly EaseCentral) mobile app gives you the ability to securely review your benefits information on your phone or tablet.

If you request time off on the same website you check your benefits, you can also access the following features in the Ease app:
- Request time off
- Review upcoming and past time off requests in a calendar view
- Access your company directory that includes phone numbers and email addresses of your colleagues.

**Please Note** To use the Ease app you must have an Ease account through your employer.

About Ease:
Ease (formerly EaseCentral) is benefits and HR software offered through your company’s insurance broker. Talk to your health insurance broker or learn more on the Ease website.


Ease (Benefits Matter) screenshot 1
Ease (Benefits Matter) screenshot 2
Ease (Benefits Matter) screenshot 3
Ease (Benefits Matter) screenshot 4
Ease (Benefits Matter) screenshot 5
Ease (Benefits Matter) screenshot 6

Version History

Last version released 700 days ago.

2.0.7Apr 25, 2023

2.0.6Mar 12, 2023

2.0.5Mar 06, 2023

- minor fixes

2.0.3Jan 12, 2023

- Added support for SSO Login
- New, refreshed UI

2.0.1Dec 23, 2022

- Added support for SSO Login
- New, refreshed UI

1.2.23Oct 22, 2022

- added feedback form
- Minor improvements & bugfixes

1.2.9Nov 18, 2020

Minor bugfixes

1.2.8Feb 19, 2020

What’s new:
- Forgot & reset password support
- Quickly select Face ID or Touch ID as your preferred login method (dependent on phone type)
- Time-off request improvements

1.2.3Aug 07, 2019

🐛Bug squashing

1.2.2Jun 26, 2019

* Bugfixes 🐛

LaunchedFeb 04, 2019

Other Information