DHL Parcelshop
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Registered DHL Parcelshops use the DHL Parcelshop App to handle all parcel processing.
This app enables you to use your smartphone to register parcels handed in by customers or handed out to customers. The data exchange with DHL is simple and easy.
Key features
• Receiving DHL parcels: Simply use your smartphone’s camera to scan the barcode on the parcel
• Handing out DHL parcels: Capture name and signature of consignees on your smartphone
• Sending digital receipts: send receipts to senders via SMS or email
• Exchange DHL parcels with the DHL courier: Scan incoming and outgoing parcels and check your parcel count using the parcel inventory feature
Please contact the backoffice for help with technical issues
Version History
Last version released 1818 days ago.
Overall performance improvements and bugfixes
Overall performance improvements and bugfixes
Overall performance improvements and bugfixes