ExtraMile Rewards Loyalty Program
ExtraMile Rewards Loyalty Program
Total Ratings
You can join and register for ExtraMile Rewards program using this app, and keep track of your progress towards earning free Extras at ExtraMile. Make 5 qualifying purchases at any participating ExtraMile store to receive a free Extra.
The ExtraMile Rewards app will also show you the current promotions at the store and help you find an ExtraMile Rewards store near you.
Version History
Releasing updates every 4 months on average. Last update 132 days ago.
This is your last update for this app! We're excited to announce the NEW ExtraMile Rewards® App is now available. We’ve merged with the Chevron Texaco Rewards program and are bringing you an enhanced convenience store and fuel up experience with more benefits and greater convenience. Get special Welcome Rewards Offers, save on in-store purchases and Chevron and Texaco fuel at participating locations and enjoy exclusive everyday offers when you sign up. Don’t miss out! Download the new app today.
Updated branding and added stability.
Added new features and bug fix.
Minor bug fixes.
Update app interface with all new features.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Added Features. Promo Codes. Search by Amenities.
Forgot Password button
Link to Extras Page fixed
Other bug fixes
Minor Bug Fixes
Minor Bug Fixes
Updated new ExtraMile products.
Touch ID functionality was added.
Minor Bug fixes.
Minor Bug Fixes
Minor Bug Fixes
Minor Bug Fixes
Minor Bug Fixes