BAAC A-Mobile
BAAC Mobile Phone Banking
BAAC Mobile Phone Banking
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BAAC A-Mobile Application provides a financial service on Smartphone. It makes your transactions easier, more convenient and more trustworthy service. Furthermore, this application can respond our customers anywhere anytime 24/7 through WIFI and 4G/3G as follows:
- Balance inquiry, recent transaction, and past statement request via E-mail
- Money transfer within BAAC and to other banks and Promptpay
- PromptPay transfer with QR Code
- Self/Auto BAAC Lotto checking
- Agricultural price and interesting news
- Financial Literacy
- Financial product and service
- Price of Stock, gold and fuel oil
- BAAC Interest Rate, Exchange Rate
- Branch/ATM/CDM location finder and GPS Navigator
- News update, Events and Special Promotions
- Thai-English Menu
BAAC A-Mobile will make your everyday life much easier, fulfilling your digital lifestyle.
**Please contact our staff at all branch offices.
Version History
Last version released 655 days ago.
Performance Improvements
System Improvement
Performance Improvements
Performance Improvements
Performance Improvements
Performance Improvements
Performance Improvements
Performance Improvements
1. Add details of BAAC loan account information
2. BAAC repayment service
3. Service of withdrawing money from Revolving loan accounts
4. Online loan request service
5. Improve the security of accessing BAAC A-Mobile application
Performance Improvements
Performance Improvements
- Manage personal limit
- Certificate saving prize history
- Security improvements
- Manage PromptPay Account
- My QR Code PromptPay
- Pay Alert
- Performance Improvements
- Performance Improvements
- Bill Payment PromptPay
- Performance Improvements
- Bill Payment PromptPay
- Performance Improvements
- Deposit and withdraw the savings certificates
- Cardless withdrawal
- A-mobile self-registration and minor improvement for the deposit, loan and savings certificates statement
- Improve QR Code Scan
- Performance Improvements
1. Bills Payment
2. Top up
3. Push Notifications
- Improve performance
- Improve performance
-PromptPay transfer with QR Code
- Money transfer within BAAC and to other banks and Promptpay
- Improve performance
Other Information
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