STEPN is a Web3 running app with fun game and social elements.
STEPN is a Web3 running app with fun game and social elements.
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STEPN is a Web3 running app with fun game and social elements.
Users equip themselves with NFTs in the form of sneakers. By walking, jogging or running outdoors, users will collect GSTs and NFTs.
Version History
Releasing updates every 11 days on average. Last update 97 days ago.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
Fixed known bugs to smooth user experience.
1. Add account deletion function
2. Optimize Solo mode functionality
3. Optimize Sneaker Transfer function
4. Fix email and password changing function
5. Fix known bugs
1. Optimized network visit
2. Resolved login difficulty caused by network connection issue
3. Improved feedback function
4. Improved display and interaction functions
5. Fixed known bugs
1. Added activation code introduction page
2. Fixed unable to click HOW TO issue
3. Optimized Distance display
4. Fixed known bugs
1. Upgraded feedback function to allow for picture upload
2. Optimized anti-cheating
3. Improved wallet security
4. Improved notification
5. Optimized mystery box design
6. Optimized gem type display to be more color-blind friendly
7. Other bug fixes
1. Add In-app help and tutorial
2. Add function to view the base attributes
3. Optimize distance calculation algorithm
4. Disable Sneaker switching function during Solo Mode
5. Multiple upgrades to the Mystery Box System
6. Fix display bugs
1. Add partner exchange portal (Binance) to STEPN Wallet function
2. Added in-app tutorial
3. Added various notifications and warnings
4. GPS Optimization (Distance calculation)
5. Other bug fixes
1. Optimal speed range on sneakers has been expanded
2. Countdown on mystery box has been adjusted
3. Gem system has been redesigned
4. Shoe-minting system has been improved
5. New sneaker style and color
6. UI/UX improvement
7. In-app tutorial improvement
8. Other bug fixes
Other Information
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