BankRI Mobile
BankRI Mobile is a free mobile decision-support tool
BankRI Mobile is a free mobile decision-support tool
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Stay in control of your finances with the BankRI Mobile app. Manage your account(s) securely and conveniently, anytime, anywhere. Check your balances, pay bills, view transactions, deposit checks, transfer money, quickly and easily send money to friends and family with Zelle®1, and much more.
To get started, download and launch the app and then either enroll (if you are a first time user) or sign in using your Online Banking username and password.
Phone connectivity and usage rates may apply to your use of Mobile Banking. Please contact your service provider for more details.
1 Zelle and the Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license. Terms and conditions apply.
Member FDIC
Equal Housing Lender
Version History
Last version released 1442 days ago.
Version 2.29.411
• Bug fixes and performance improvements