Aya TV Pro - Player
Watch and enjoy the Aya app with your friends.
Watch and enjoy the Aya app with your friends.
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⚽ Watch and Enjoy your football matches, movies, series and IPTV channels on your smart phone, tablet, TV or TV aya.
⚽ AYA TV PLAYER app is an iptv video player and does not contain any preconfigured channels.
You must add a playlist to watch.
Features available:
⚽ Live broadcasts and replay (if the playlist supports this function).
⚽ You can add unlimited number of M3U playlists.
⚽ You can add an unlimited number of XML EPGs.
⚽ Support for different streams (HLS, UDP, RTMP and others).
⚽ Sort and search function.
⚽ Parental control (playlist editor).
⚽ Favorites management.
⚽ Selection of audio tracks.
⚽ (EPG) made available by your provider.
For any question, feel free to contact us.
Version History
Last version released 850 days ago.
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