Aptean Shop Floor Manager
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Manufacturers know the most important part of their business is the manufacturing process. An efficient, lean, & highly productive plant is the cornerstone for a successful business.
Aptean Shop Floor Manager empowers Made2Manage ERP users to:
1. Real-time view of Job Order details, including: cost, key dates, required resources & materials, and the operational flow to complete the order.
2. Identify & redirect materials to your most important work.
3. Spot cost overrun trends, and use that data to take additional cost out of the process.
4. Drill into operation & sub-operational details for an immediate & exact view into manufacturing progress.
5. Link to related sales orders for customer, billing, shipment, and pricing information.
6. Interact with the jobs through work centers, gaining resource utilization & allocation insight.
7. Instant on-hand inventory look up for parts & materials, across all facilities.
With Aptean Shop Floor Manager, you empower those users that keep your business running, by allowing them to move away from the desk, and focus on a more productive manufacturing process.
**Note: This app relies on Aptean Made2Manage ERP for data. Customers wishing to use this app must be running Shop Floor Manager version 1.33 and Made2Manage version 7.0 or higher, and visit the Aptean download center to obtain the service gateway component which connects this app to the ERP.
In downloading this application, you agree to the terms defined in the application End User License Agreement (EULA).