Amazon Hub Counter
Counter App helps businesses to manage Amazon customer packages.
Counter App helps businesses to manage Amazon customer packages.
Total Ratings
Amazon Hub Counter is a network of staffed pick up points that allows customers to collect their Amazon parcels in-store at a partner location. The service is available at no extra cost to Prime members.
Version History
Releasing updates every 9 days on average. Last update 9 days ago.
Support for Partner Onboarding
Improvements in crash logging
Minor Bug Fixes
Changes in solenoid-auth-plugin for fixes related to signing into Devices
Updated sdkCompileVersion and sdkTargetVersion to 34
New version number: 618
Release Type: Minor
New features or fixes: Allows sign in to Portugal, Netherlands and Sweden marketplaces.
Updates to comply with Google Play policies
An app overhaul that enables new feature releases without app upgrades.
- App updates to comply with Google's Persistent Device ID Privacy Policy
- AMZL Handshake (FTUX) launch
-Bug fix : Upgrade to version 1.5 of authentication library.
-Bug fixes
-AMZL handshake
Delivery Notification: Sends a notification to the Hub Counter app when a driver delivery occurs.
Abandoned Package Workflow Update: The Abandoned Package workflow within the Hub Counter app has been improved
In-App Surveys: Allow the user to provide feedback directly to Amazon regarding their experience of using the Hub Counter app.
New location activation workflow: Introduced a new flow that simplifies the activation experience by bringing everything in-App
Auto Forced Sync
Error message Optimization
Realtime Abandon TR Generation
Android Overlay
SSO Wrong Account Notification
Crash Analytics Reporting
Scan Compliance issue Fix
Single APK for all three realms (EU, FE and NA)
In-App SA Guidance
Removal of Swipe to Complete
C-Returns: SA Recovery Flow
C-Returns: Open Container Limit/Error Message
There are two new changes in the APK
1) This APK has a force sync option which allows the users to explicitly sync the data on the phone from the server
2) Correction in SDS phone numbers
Other Information
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