Always visible volume button
Even if the volume button is broken, you can adjust the volume.
Even if the volume button is broken, you can adjust the volume.
Total Ratings
Simple and small free app that can always adjust the volume and is useful for movies, music.
You can adjust the volume of music, movies, and apps, and change from advanced options to phone call and speakerphone volume.
Click the Advanced Features button on the 5th row.
The first row "Sound" button allows you to select several types of volume.
The 2nd line "Mute button" can be muted by clicking the volume button on the screen once or twice.
The 4th line "Show and Hide" button can hide or show the buttons on the screen and show the scroll bar. You can also hide or show volume notifications on the side or bottom. There is a function to show buttons according to the screen rotation status or music playback status.
The "Volume Lock" option, second from the bottom, is a function that prevents the volume from rising above the set level.
Other than that, "App Appearance" sets the button color or font of the app.
The 6th line notification setting is a function to decorate the top notification bar.
The 7th line icon change is a function to change the volume icon.
The green button on the notification bar is the hide function.
The speaker button indicates the volume and can be muted by double-clicking in the advanced options.
If you press and hold the speaker button, you can activate the function that disappears in the advanced options.
You can resize the icon in the notification bar.
How to turn on/off button on screen with send intent in app like tasker:
1. Intent to hide the app
Broadcast Receiver
2. The intent to show the app.
Broadcast Receiver
For always visible rotate button, put com.alwaysrotate instead of com.alwaysvolumebutton.
For other always visible apps, just change the package name.
Version History
Last version released 219 days ago.
Fixed a bug where button positions would change when the screen was rotated.
Fixed a bug where buttons would change position.
Minimum requirements have been changed to Android 7.0.
Fixed a bug that prevented the app from launching on some devices after an app update.
Fixed a bug that would cause the "Save edge bars for each app" feature to unwind after a few minutes. The cause of the bug was not handling exceptions for empty package names.
A bug where the widget icon did not change when muted has been fixed. A bug where the mute function did not work in widgets has been fixed.
Background color of hide button
The bug where language selection was not possible after the update has been fixed.
The bug where language selection was not possible after the update has been fixed.
Added exception handling when adjusting volume in Do Not Disturb mode.
Exclude this app from hiding all
Button size to hide all always visible buttons
If the floating button is at the bottom, the banner ad moves to the top.
I reverted the development tool Android Studio to a version from 3 years ago to support Android 4.1.
I reverted the development tool Android Studio to a version from 3 years ago to support Android 4.1.
When initializing the intent filter, an exception was handled to prevent the app from being forced to close. Minimum specifications changed from Android 6.0 to 5.0.
The build version of the app was changed to Android 14, and the development tools and all libraries were changed from versions from 2 years ago to the latest stable version. The minimum specifications of the app were increased from Android 4.1 to Android 6.0 or higher. Removed menu to load old files.
The build version of the app was changed to Android 14, and the development tools and all libraries were changed from versions from 2 years ago to the latest stable version. The minimum specifications of the app were increased from Android 4.1 to Android 6.0 or higher.
The build version of the app was changed to Android 14, and the development tools and all libraries were changed from versions from 2 years ago to the latest stable version. The minimum specifications of the app were increased from Android 4.1 to Android 6.0 or higher.
A bug where the screen where the button was located could not be clicked even though the button size was changed to 0 has been fixed. The maximum button size has been limited when using multiple sound types.
Random font and random color options have been added.
Added translation edit save button and load button.
On December 2, 2022, after upgrading the development tool Android Studio to the latest version, a bug occurred that prevented the app from running on Android 4.4 KitKat, so I rolled back to the old version of Android Studio used in 2021 to build the app.
Floating button and search button color bugs have been fixed.
Fixed a bug where closing the app did not clear the resource list, causing the memory to continue to grow each time the app was launched.
A search button has been added.
You can make the scrollbar and plus and minus buttons visible at the same time.
Fixed a bug where button colors were not applied when adjusting the volume on Android 4.4.
Fixed a bug where the screen could not be moved when searching with the search button.
Fixed a bug where closing the app did not clear the resource list, causing the memory to continue to grow each time the app was launched.
A search button has been added.
You can make the scrollbar and plus and minus buttons visible at the same time.
Fixed a bug where button colors were not applied when adjusting the volume on Android 4.4.
Fixed a bug where the screen could not be moved when searching with the search button.
Fixed a bug where closing the app did not clear the resource list, causing the memory to continue to grow each time the app was launched.
A search button has been added.
You can make the scrollbar and plus and minus buttons visible at the same time.
Fixed a bug where button colors were not applied when adjusting the volume on Android 4.4.
Added a horizontal line between advanced function buttons.
Fixed a bug where the function to hide the buttons did not work when the keyboard was visible on Samsung smartphones using Android 13.
Fixed a bug where the volume text was not displayed properly in the notification bar and widgets on Android 13.
Fixed a bug where widget button icon aspect ratio was distorted.
The app crashed immediately after the update and reverted to the previous version.
Fixed a bug where the app was forcibly closed when the maximum volume lock limit option was used on a smartphone that does not support Bluetooth.
Fixed a bug where the edge bar could not be moved upwards after the last update.
Fixed a bug where on-screen buttons could not be clicked on Android 10 or lower after the previous update.
After the update, 2 bugs occurred and the bugs were fixed.
Fixed a bug where volume text was clipped when it was on the edge.
Fixed a bug where the app was forced to close when using the scroll bar.
Added transparency option for imported images.
Fixed a bug where you could not mute when you click the volume button in the notification bar.
Fixed a bug where the volume bar did not appear when adjusting the volume in the notification bar.
When changing the button image the transparency of the button background color is followed.
A floating button has been added.
Added shake sensitivity.
Added option to show keyboard.
Added option to save per-app edge bars.
Added a menu icon to the right of the volume limit option.
Added a menu icon to the right of the system volume options.
Fixed a bug where the media volume was temporarily louder when adjusting the volume limit option.
Fixed a bug where all buttons were reloaded whenever the advanced options button was pressed.
Fixed a bug where some screens were not reloaded when the screen was rotated.
To prevent the icon in the notification bar from disappearing the volume text texture size was reduced to 64 and the size of the off button was also reduced to 64.
Added a button to request notification permission so that the notification bar can appear in Android 13.
Show button only while music is playing
Fixed a bug where the volume lock worked even when the button was closed.
Added on/off button to volume lock option.
Added an on/off button to the Show System Volume Control option.
Added maximum volume lock option.
Fixed a bug where the volume lock function did not work when the screen was turned off.
I added a horizontal line to the first screen button.
Changed the banner ad to be visible after the banner ad is loaded.
Changed to update only 3 times per second to eliminate the lag of the plus minus volume button widget.
The reason the volume button disappeared from the notification bar was that the text image was too large.
I solved it by reducing the text image size by a third.
For optimization, I reverted to the old code that didn't reload the notification bar image when the speaker icon didn't change.
Made a quick swipe to turn off the edge bar even if it's centered on the screen.
I had an issue with the notification bar disappearing, so I turned off optimization and made the notification bar always load full fresh.
When you click the hide button in the notification bar, it has been changed to delete instead of hide the screen button.
I hope this solves the screen overlay problem in some apps.
Added option to play sound when button is clicked.
I tripled the spacing of the bottom banner ads.
Added a square mark to the selected button in the Change Icon option.
Fixed a bug where Do Not Disturb and Mute did not work at the same time intermittently on Android 12 and higher.
Added hide button to widget.
Added help for excluding battery optimization to top right menu.
Compiled with Android 13 version.
Fixed a bug where the hide button on the status bar worked in the opposite way after the update.
Added Send Intent for apps like Tasker.
Fixed a bug where the hide button on the status bar worked in the opposite way after the update.
Added Send Intent for apps like Tasker.
An option to change the color of the app icon has been added.
Upgraded to Android 12 build version.
In Android 12 and later, the button size of the notification bar is reduced.
Added vibration option.
Added option to change switch button color.
When building the app with Android 12 version the icon in the notification bar disappeared so I returned the build version to Android 11.
In Android 12 the volume button icon in the notification bar was not displayed so I had to update the notification bar twice when loading for the first time.
It is difficult to know why the icon appears after updating twice.
An error occurred when updating the widget in Android 5 and an exception was handled.
After the June update there was an error that forced shutdown when updating widgets in Android 5 so an exception was handled.
If you hide the speaker button in the options, the plus and minus buttons are forced to show.
The programming language Kotlin has been updated to the latest.
I had a problem with Android 6 so I couldn't update for a while but I solved the problem by assigning a global variable after the app started.
Added an option to hide or show buttons for all apps when clicking the notification bar on/off button.
Fixed a bug where the number on the volume button was not visible when clicking on the edge bar.
Fixed a bug where the volume bar was not visible after the update.
Added option to hide all always visible app buttons by long-clicking on the button.
Added option to show all always visible app buttons by clicking on recent apps button.
When the button disappears it reappears after 30 seconds.
An option to view the clock only on the home screen has been added.
The icon in the notification bar does not appear in Android 12 so I reduced the size of the icon in half.
When the button disappears, it reappears after 30 seconds.
A text color option has been added.
An option to view the clock only on the home screen has been added.
Supports Android 12.
Added option to show volume lock button in notification bar.
Fixed the bug where the button disappears if permission is not set when using button view only on the home screen.
Added option to change volume icon.
Added volume option after unmute.
Saves the on/off button state of the notification bar.
When the analog clock size is 0, memory is not allocated to the analog clock.
Added option to change volume icon.
Added volume option after unmute.
Saves the on/off button state of the notification bar.
When the analog clock size is 0, memory is not allocated to the analog clock.
A bug where volume could not be set before using volume lock has been fixed.
A bug that requested do not disturb mode permission when using the mute button has been fixed.
Added option to change Do Not Disturb mode when clicking the mute button on Android 6 and higher.
A number font change function was added.
Added option to change the color of the volume button in the notification bar.
Fixed a bug where the app would crash when changing the ringer volume on Android 7 or higher.
Fixed a bug where the app was forced to close when the notification below was displayed on Android 7.
An option to disable the volume up volume down button has been added.
Volume control option has been added.
Permissions settings have been optimized.
Added a close button option that appears when dragging a button.
Fixed a bug that occurred when displaying a message at the bottom of Android 6.
Optimized to prevent the app from being forced to close.
A mute button option was added.
Volume type option added.
Edge bar position option added.
Fixed a bug where the notification icon did not appear in Android Nougat or lower.
Volume Lock.
Show only on home screen.
Use only edge bar.
Saving the edge bar of each app.
Changing icons.
Added option to turn off notification text.
The color of the notification text has been changed to the button color.
As the button size increases, the size of the notification text also increases.
Added option to turn off edge bars.
The ad has been placed below because of ad location issues.
If the button disappears after the update, please run the app once.
Now that development is almost complete, there will be no updates except for serious bugs.
Fixed a bug that caused the app to shut down when adjusting the ringer volume in Do Not Disturb mode for Android 6.
0 and above.
A bug that terminated when the button was pressed has been fixed.
Added button spacing option.
A bug that prevented the button color from changing has been fixed.
Added option to set notification bar background color.
Fixed a bug that caused the icon to not show when the notification bar was black.
A bug in the hide button on the status bar has been fixed.
Volume strength is applied to the status bar volume button.
I applied the volume strength to the volume icon.
Added Always Show volume option
A color UI bug was fixed.
Now there will be very few updates.
Thank you.
Hide function changed from double click to long click.
The Hide button has been added to the status bar.
You can change the size of the status bar icon.
Button rotation function was added.
Reduced the size of icons on the status bar.
Fixed a bug that prevented reading information when turned on by widgets.
The button spacing has been increased.
Added mute option on double click.
Added auto hide button option.
Added option to display the system volume window.
Added save options for screen rotation.
A volume button has been added to the status bar.
The button spacing has been increased.
Added mute option on double click.
Added auto hide button option.
Added option to display the system volume window.
Added save options for screen rotation.
A volume button has been added to the status bar.
Reverted to the old icon.
Improved UI loading speed by not loading the advanced function UI at first.
The volume display position has been moved up one space.
The volume display keeps showing while the volume button is pressed.
Fixed a bug where the button position did not change when rotating the screen.
Fixed a bug where the button position did not change when rotating the screen.
The notification bar will also disappear when you exit the app.
The notification bar will also disappear when you exit the app.
The notification bar will also disappear when you exit the app.
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