57357 Official Mobile Application
57357 Official Mobile Application
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Application provides information about 57357 Group.
It provides the following sections :-
1- Donation section where you can donate for our cancer patients.
2- News section where you can find the latest news about 57357 hospital.
3- Awareness section where you can find the latest cancer awareness.
4- Visits section where you can call us to setup individual or group visit.
5- Contact us section where you can find our different locations and contact us.
Version History
Last version released 1442 days ago.
-We update the app regularly so that we can make it better for you.
-This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements and UI enhancements.
-We update the app regularly so that we can make it better for you.
-This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements and UI enhancements.
Adding event section
The enhanced release for 57357 mobile application
first release for 57357 mobile application
Other Information
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