The Advertiser-Tribune
Local News from The Advertiser-Tribune.
Local News from The Advertiser-Tribune.
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Stay on top of news from Tiffin and surrounding areas by receiving our combined news and e-edition app on your device. The Advertiser-Tribune is the best source for local and national news, sports, weather, and features from the Seneca County area. Download the app to view the printed pages of the newspaper or read headlines and stories along with related photos in a built-in story viewer.
Version History
Last version released 677 days ago.
- introduce support for Android 13
- updated UI
- minor bug fixes
- The Trending Stories slider on the home screen has been improved to be easier to use and look better
- A confirmation message is now shown when clearing cached data or resetting tips from the settings screen
- Category news lists now download less data
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
- Improved E-Edition Reader
- smoothly scrolls between pages
- better zooming and panning
- displays pages faster
- stability improvements
- Fix to ensure that E-Edition stories are in the correct order when swiping between them in the story reader
- Other bug fixes and improvements
Improved logging
Improved logging
Improved logging
- Updates to crash log reporting
- Improved welcome experience the first time the app is launched
- Improved sign-in experience
- Prevent the puzzle screen from rotating to stop loss of entered data
- Fixes and improvements to the pre-download entire publication setting
- Other bug fixes and improvements
We've entirely revamped our mobile app to bring you digital access to your newspaper as well as the latest local and national news, sports, weather, and features from the Seneca County area.
- Android 10 Support.
- Android 9 support
- Bug Fixes
ver 3.1.4
- double table back button to close app.
- misc fixes.
ver 3.1.3
- Dark Theme is now Black
- Bottom Nav would cause background crash is now fixed.
Ver 3.0
- Android 8.0 Support
- New UI
- Dark + Light Theme
- Multiple Story Layouts for Lists
****Working on a Brand New Version Of the App******
Ver 2.7
-Android 7.0 -7.1.1 Support
Ver 2.6
- Android 6.0 support.
- misc fixes
Ver 2.5
- Android support for android 4.4.4 - 5.1.
- minor gui enhancements.
- performance fixes.
- dropped support for android 2.1 and 2.2
Ver 2.6
- Android 6.0 support.
- misc fixes
Ver 2.5
- Android support for android 4.4.4 - 5.1.
- minor gui enhancements.
- performance fixes.
- dropped support for android 2.1 and 2.2
Other Information
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