ACR Guidance
This app provides mobile access to select clinical guidance content from the ACR
This app provides mobile access to select clinical guidance content from the ACR
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The ACR® Guidance App provides interactive mobile access to select clinical guidance content from the ACR website. Download to access the ACR Contrast Reaction Cards, Reporting and Data Systems (RADS), and Incidental Findings (IF) content.
This app is intended for healthcare professionals such as radiologists, oncologists, referring physicians, and medical students who desire on the go reference materials from ACR. This app is not a medical device and should not be considered as one.
ACR provides this mobile app for reference purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for the independent clinical judgment of a physician or other health care professional user. A physician or other user is solely responsible for verifying the currency and applicability of app content to a particular clinical situation and thus assumes all risk of use. As allowable under applicable law, ACR and ACR’s employees, officers, directors, agents, contractors and volunteers will not be liable for any damages arising out of the use or misuse of the app, its content, or calculations. This includes but is not limited to a user’s inability to access the app or any loss or corruption of a user’s data.
Version History
Releasing updates every 6 months on average. Last update 180 days ago.
Resolved issues with navigation buttons on select screens for consistent user experience
Resolved dark mode text appearance for Android platform
Resolved display issues from platform migration
- Upgraded the platform to .NET MAUI
- Updated the information on the location screen
Update includes new disclaimer language to Incidental Findings
Bug fixes of navigation headers.
Journal article links and flow diagram images added to Incidental Findings
Updates to O-RADS Calculator Tables, Governing Concepts, and cystic/solid lesion logic
For Contrast App: minor updates for formatting corrections
For O-RADS App: minor updates for clarity on O-RADS Ultrasound tables
Major release with various APP updates that coincides with ACR Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems (O-RADS™) Ultrasound 2022 Assessment Categories and Management System. For more details, please visit
Bug fixes of navigation headers.
The new release of ACR Contrast Reaction App.
Correction appropriately displaying page header for maximum lesion diameter
Corrected descriptors for peritoneal inclusion cyst.
The new release has the following changes in the Ovarian/Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS):
1. Corrected assessment of smooth solid lesions, CS 2-3
2. Added "unexplained" to ascites assessment
The new release includes access to the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems (O-RADS™) Ultrasound content from the ACR.
The new release includes access to the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems (O-RADS™) Ultrasound content from the ACR.
The new release includes access to the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems (O-RADS™) Ultrasound content from the ACR.
The new release includes access to the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems (O-RADS™) Ultrasound content from the ACR.
The new release includes access to the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems (O-RADS™) Ultrasound content from the ACR.
UI improvements
UI fixes
Other Information
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