Guess The Skin Standoff 2
Check how well you know skins in Standoff 2
Check how well you know skins in Standoff 2
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🔥Can you be able to guess all the skins from the Standoff 2 game by making the minimum number of mistakes or not making them at all? Find out the number of errors at the end of the game and check how well you know Standoff 2😎
👑The game is currently in beta testing:
📌 76 levels📅
📌 3 kinds of tips 🕵️♂️
📌 Full localization📜
📌 Gradual change of difficulty📈
📌 Compete with your friends for speed and number of mistakes🚀
👑And also, if you don't know the skins well, then you can easily learn them right in this game🔥
📢This app is a quiz for playing Standoff 2.
It was created not only with the official game, but also with official permission from Axlebolt. Axlebolt does NOT bear any responsibility for the operation of this application ⚠