Medical at Home After Hours GP
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Medical at Home After Hours GP - Brisbane/Sydney: 132 660, Melbourne: 8341 1888, Perth: 9328 0418 -
Our Service
Medical at Home After Hours GP is a home visit doctor service provided by the Australian Locum Medical Service to residents of metropolitan Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. This house call service is bulk-billed* and there are no out of pocket costs if you are registered with Medicare or Veterans Affairs. Anyone can access this after-hours home visiting medical service if their postcode falls within our coverage area.
If medical attention is required after-hours and it's not an emergency, patients can use our booking application to simply arrange a doctor to their home or alternately our call center is available to organised a house call from an experienced doctor. Phone calls are triaged by suitably qualified and experienced staff and relayed to our doctors in the field.
Patients are telephoned by the treating doctor prior to attendance and reassured that they will be consulted in a medically appropriate timeframe. Patients may be provided with valuable self-care management advice prior to the doctor’s actual arrival or referred to emergency services where appropriate. A detailed treatment report of each consultation may also be forwarded to the patient’s
regular General Practitioner.
Our Background
Established in 1969, the Australian Locum Medical Service (ALMS) has been providing after-hours medical services to patients of General Practitioners for over forty years and holds full accreditation with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. ALMS was the first Medical Deputising Service (MDS) established in Melbourne and Perth and is a founding member of the National Association of Medical Deputising Services. Such long-term experience in this challenging and ever changing industry enables the provision of unparalleled and professional after-hours patient care in the home
Our Doctors
All doctors working for Medical at Home After Hours GP are registered with the Medical Board of Australia. Many hold Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), or are currently studying towards achieving this goal. Doctors working with ALMS through the Approved Medical Deputising Service Program (AMDSP) are further assessed by the Department of Health and Ageing prior to placement on the program. Doctors on the AMDSP are required to meet stringent and continuing medical education requirements far beyond that required by the RACGP. They are also mentored by our Medical Advisory team towards achieving Fellowship of the RACGP.
Version History
Last version released 3175 days ago.
After Hours GP is changing. From July 1 we will be known as DoctorDoctor! See inside app for more details.