Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup

Enhance your Bussid with DJ Pickup Mod featuring exclusive customizable vehicles

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LaunchedFeb 01, 2023
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Featuring over 20 Indian cars to choose from, Drive or Drift in the Indian Cities & Highways with Realistic Car Physics & Engine Sounds.
Indian car game the best car driving simulator game is waiting for you. Download this amazing Indian Car Driving Simulator for free from the play store. It comes with the most realistic driving experience of Splendor bike, KTM, R15, Bullet Bike, Splendor bike game, Scorpio Car, and Rolls Car. Select your car from the Indian Cars collection and drive it fast as you can.

you can change the parts of your favorite Mahindra Indian Car from the game store. The best Indian Bikes Driving experience comes with the best Realistic Indian Cars and bikes. We arrange all the collections of Gangs of India Bikes and Gangs of Indian cars here in this game. Get this game and enjoy the drifting of Gangs of Indian Bike on the carpet roads of Mountains.

Features of Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup:-
- Beautiful Graphics
- Smooth Controls
- Third Person Character
- City Environment
- Mountain Offroading
- Many Different Vehicles to drive
- Garage in Which Vehicle Color and Rims can be changed
- Indian car games Car racing multiple modes
- Ultra-realistic 3d games graphics and sound effects
- Modern cars and bikes for better racing
- Free Indian car driving simulator Ninja H2R Bullet bike
- offline games 2022, play without Wi-Fi or internet

This heavy car driver wala game of the Indian environment is one of the best Indian Car Stunt games uploaded on the play store. Download the Car wala game to enjoy the unlimited fun of driving Indian Trucks and bikes.

â— Play it anywhere
Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup does NOT require any internet connection. you can have fun racing Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup in the subway, in trains or in car or even in toilets.

â— Low data usage
Indian Heavy Driver bike car will not consume tons of data from your mobile plan that you'd want to use instead to surf the web, watch youtube videos and listen to free music

â— Compatibility and support
We're continuously working (hard) so that all Android phones and tablets run the Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup smoothly.


Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup screenshot 1
Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup screenshot 2
Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup screenshot 3
Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup screenshot 4
Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup screenshot 5
Indian Heavy Driver DJ Pickup screenshot 6

Version History

Last version released 762 days ago.

LaunchedFeb 01, 2023

Other Information