Interactive Miniature Painting Catalogue
Interactive Miniature Painting Catalogue
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impcat (short for Interactive Miniature Painting Catalogue) is a simulator for photorealistic painting results on gaming and tabletop miniatures.
This tool gives you a variety of miniature images that you can select and then paint with colours you own or perhaps wish to purchase. It works with predefined colour palettes, using names and values as promoted by their manufacturers.
To achieve a high quality result the system simulates a four step painting process:
Base colouring, layering, shading and highlighting.
- A list of 6 biult-in miniatures, provided by Artel "W".
- A list of built-in colour palettes, containing Vallejo Model Color and Vallejo Game Color (308 colours in total).
- Access to miniature template and colour palette DLCs that instantly get updated as soon as we upload new content (completely free, no micro-transactions of any kind).
- An complement recommendation mode that lets you select a base colour and then automatically applies harmonizing layer, shade and highlight paints, which you can then customize at will.
- A photorealistic simulation of the applied paints.
- A shopping list generator that collects the data of all applied colours and gives you the links to the corresponding shop pages.
- A colour mixer tool (to mix predefined paints in multiple steps)
- A colour creator tool (to create and collect your own colours)
- A randomiser tool that randomly distributes colours across a model
For more information and news about this app, visit
Version History
Releasing updates every 5 months on average. Last update 162 days ago.
Bug Fixes:
- File opener for online DLCs and stored items fixed
- Minimum SDK changed from 30+ back to 28+
- Target SDK updated to API 34 (Android 14)
- Min SDK updated to API 30 (Android 11)
- Colour Palette selection prompt replaced with structured lists
- DLC Colour Palettes no longer get downloaded automatically
New features:
- Internal File Browser (with file delete option)
- Imported Templates thumbnails (unpainted previews)
- Image Template and Colour Palette Names get displayed correctly in the Name output after single and bulk importing
Full details on > News
Read our latest article on for detailed instructions.
Changes: Target API upgraded from 31 to 33
Bug fix (from 1.2.1 release):
Denied access to internally stored files, caused by target API 30 (Android 11), should now be resolved.
No functionalities have been modified in relation to the 1.2.0 version.
- MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission was removed from the manifest, due to new Google App Store guidelines
- Target SDK was set to 30 (Android 11)
- Minimum SDK was set to 28 (Android 9)
Visit our article on to see the full details of this update
Since the previsous update you need to move all imported files from root/impcatDLC/ to Android/data/com.DesignBench.impcat/impcatDLC (xlsx files into the Colour-Palettes subfolder and svg files into the Image-Templates subfolder), because the latest Google API denies impcat the access to the root folder and therefore the app can not do that automatically!
- The configuration saves weren't accessible > resolved
- The Unforgiving Chaplain had an error in his URI > resolved
The thumbnails of stored DLC templates caused serious crashes on some devices, so they unfortunately had to go.
Now only the templates' names are being displayed — sadly.
- Fixed some bugs
- impcat now creates an "impcatDLC" folder in your device's root directory
- All imported DLCs (templates and paints) get copied into that folder for quick access
- If not auto-generated, the folder can also be manually created and filled with content (this can be used as shortcut to skip importing files)
- The online DLC library is now live and accessible
- Online DLCs also get copied into the "impcatDLC" folder for quick and offline access
New features:
- The option to set "none" as a colour has been finally added
- The list of colour palettes has been extended by Vallejo Mecha Colors
Hidden features:
The system now recognizes gloss and decal information, if it's contained inside an imported SVG file. DLCs with gloss and/or decal layers will activate an extended controlls menu.
An example of such a DLC file can be found in the r/impcat subreddit
Save and Load options are here!
This update extends your Main Menu with a save and a load option that will let you:
- Save your current configuration as a new file
- Overwrite existing save files
- Load previously stored configurations
- Delete stored configuration save files
The save data is persistent and being stored in your device's 'Android/data/com.DesignBench.impcat/files' directory, meaning you can copy the data for back-ups or sharing at any time.
DIY options are here! You can now import
- SVG images and
- XLSX colour palettes
from your devices storage.
IMPORTANT: This does not work with just any files!
Visit for detailed instructions!
The metallic paint feature has been added. This includes:
- All miniature images were expanded by a custom colour filter to simulate metallic effects
- Metallic paints ware added to the Vallejo Model Color palette
- Metallic paints ware added to the Vallejo Game Color palette
- Metallic paints ware added to the Vallejo Hobby Spray Paint palette
Note: When editing Base, Layer, Shade and Highlight, the metallic effect filter will be active as long as a metallic paint is set as the Base colour