IGL Connect
This is an official Mobile app of Indraprastha Gas Limited.
This is an official Mobile app of Indraprastha Gas Limited.
Total Ratings
This is an official mobile app of Indraprastha Gas Limited. This app is for PNG customers, CNG users. The app enables PNG customers anytime, anywhere access to his accounts.
PNG customer can view billing history, view payment history, lodge complaint, view complaint status, share feedback, update mobile and phone number, submit meter reading, and make online payment etc.
CNG customer can view nearby CNG stations on map. Customer can also search for CNG stations in a particular area.
Note: If you are first time user of the IGL Connect Mobile app, then you have to register/signup for accessing the My Profile, My Bill, Meter reading and Complaints section of PNG.
Version History
Releasing updates every 2 months on average. Last update 72 days ago.
Bill Desk Payment Gateway enabled.
Bug fixed and improvisation.
New payment method added.
Implemented the I&C functionality.
Performance improvement & bug fixes.
Implemented the Push Notification
Updated the PNG and CNG Rate Card
Improvement in CNG Saving Calculator
Bug Fixes
Implemented the Push Notification
Updated the PNG and CNG Rate Card
Improvement in CNG Saving Calculator
Bug Fixes
. Implemented the new registration process.
. Bug Fixes
- Integrated Ingenico Payment Gateway
- Chat Bot improvement
- Improvement in Self-Billing and My Profile
- Bug Fixes
Some bug fixes.
Now, the customer can choose to raise an invoice of consumption of PNG, all by her/himself as per their convenience, by opting “Self-Billing” in IGL Connect. It is for those customers who
1. Don't want to be bothered by the meter reader for collecting meter reading.
2. Don't want to wait for meter reader to arrive.
3. Want an instant solution of Billing Related Complaints.
4. Don't want to call up to Call Centre and wait for registering of Billing Related Complaints
- Enhanced security Patch’s for Paytm.
- Bug fixes.
This is an official mobile app of Indraprastha Gas Limited. This app is for PNG customers, CNG users. The app enables PNG customers anytime, anywhere access to his accounts.
PNG customer can view billing history, view payment history, lodge complaint, view complaint status, share feedback, update mobile and phone number, submit meter reading, and make online payment etc.
CNG customer can view nearby CNG stations on map. Customer can also search for CNG stations in a particular area.
Other Information
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