A platform to build culture, by cultivating values, engagement and communication
A platform to build culture, by cultivating values, engagement and communication
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my NRG (my Network & Collaboration Group) is PT. Visa Media Asia Tbk. (VIVA)'s platform to build and sustain company culture, by cultivating values driven behavior, engagement, and communication thru a human friendly technology.
Version History
Last version released 1790 days ago.
Improvement :
Security Patch for COVID-19
We release updates regularly, and we’re always looking for ways to make the app even better. If you have any feedback or run into issues, don’t hesitate to report it to us at
- Now you can upload file when posting in a group
- Now you can easily differentiate between read and unread activities
We release updates regularly, and we’re always looking for ways to make the app even better. If you have any feedback or run into issues, don’t hesitate to report it to us at
- Can repost content from closed group to other groups
- UI improvement for post recognition
- New design of post recognition v3
- Use announcement label for a post in order to notify all members in a General group
- Selecting a user from search result when trying to tagging for a post will automatically clear the search result
- Selecting a user from search result when trying to give recognition will automatically clear the search result
- Support other video format beside MP4
What's Fixed:
- Admin cannot edit or delete admin's own comments
Under-the-hood fixes and updates for better performance
We release updates regularly, and we’re always looking for ways to make the app even better. If you have any feedback or run into issues, don’t hesitate to report it to us at
What's fixed:
- Can’t upload picture profile
- Admin can’t edit/delete admin’s comment
- Can still swipe to see skills tab although skill config is turned off
What's Fixed:
- Fixing crash when changing profile and cover picture
What’s fixed:
- New notifications token is not sent by Android mobile app
- Can't open group settings on a group with lots of members
- Scrolling performance issues on Post Detail with large number of comments
- Can't attach photo to a post if the photo is being taken by device's camera
Give recognition based on value key behavior
What’s fixed:
Opening group members page is slow on groups with lots of members
We release updates regularly, and we’re always looking for ways to make the app even better. If you have any feedback or run into issues, don’t hesitate to report it to us at
What’s new:
- New design for pinned post in a group
- View your profile and your colleagues' profile based on certain period time filter
- Activities notification icon color will now following organisation color setting as well
What’s fixed:
- Fix some typo when you want to create new group
- Customisable wording for Skill and Value for each organisation. Now your organisation can set their own lingo for organisation’s skill and value.
What’s fixed:
- Double chat thread.
- Can’t add new skill or search existing skill when you want to give recognition to a colleague
We release updates regularly, and we’re always looking for ways to make the app even better. If you have any feedback or run into issues, don’t hesitate to report it to us at
Bug fix and improvement
Bug fix and improvement
Have ability to show moderated group
Bug fix and improvement
We hope you’re enjoying the app! Please keep it updated so you’ve always got our latest and greatest improvement
- Bug fix and improvement
- Bug fix and improvement
- Improvement UI on Main menu
- New onboarding design
- Bug fix and improvement
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Bug Fixes and Improvements for crop image
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Update and Improvements!
- Fix UI bug and broken chat
- Set analytics and improvements
We have new improvements! Update to the latest version to get them ;
- Comment as admin is now available
- Using hashtag is now easier with autocomplete
- Bug fixes and improvements