Happy5 1on1
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Build a Performance Driven Culture.
Inspire and drive your employees’ performance & development — in real time.
**Simple & Powerful Performance Review**
Our intuitive system helps employees to get more frequent performance feedback. All feedback is documented in one single repository.
**Continues Personal Development**
Employee development becomes a crucial business priority. Help increase your employees’ performance & development to make them stay competitive.
**Coaching Conversation**
Encourage your managers to have meaningful 1:1 conversations with their employees.
Version History
Last version released 3015 days ago.
New brand: Happy5 Performance
Simpler objective review flow
Introducing new Recognition and Feedback
- Recognition and Feedback can be given anytime based on project or no project
- Feedback is always private, only the giver and receiver can see the feedback
New brand: Happy5 Performance
Simpler objective review flow
Introducing new Recognition and Feedback
- Recognition and Feedback can be given anytime based on project or no project
- Feedback is always private, only the giver and receiver can see the feedback
New brand: Happy5 Performance
Simpler objective review flow
Introducing new Recognition and Feedback
- Recognition and Feedback can be given anytime based on project or no project
- Feedback is always private, only the giver and receiver can see the feedback
New brand: Happy5 Performance
Simpler objective review flow
Introducing new Recognition and Feedback
- Recognition and Feedback can be given anytime based on project or no project
- Feedback is always private, only the giver and receiver can see the feedback
New brand: Happy5 Performance
Simpler objective review flow
Introducing new Recognition and Feedback
- Recognition and Feedback can be given anytime based on project or no project
- Feedback is always private, only the giver and receiver can see the feedback
New brand: Happy5 Performance
Simpler objective review flow
Introducing new Recognition and Feedback
- Recognition and Feedback can be given anytime based on project or no project
- Feedback is always private, only the giver and receiver can see the feedback
- Bugs fix and improvement