Best Typing Lessons and Test

Learn how to touch type or take a typing speed test

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LaunchedJun 03, 2019
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This app teaches how to touch type quickly without looking at the keyboard. The main benefit of this program is that it is designed to break bad typing habits by practicing lessons in a unique order beginning with the pinkies instead of the pointer fingers.

As a middle school Computer Applications teacher and the sole developer of this app, I have found that this training helps create good habits starting with the first lesson. The learning process is made easier because the keys are color coded to help students identify which fingers should be used on every keypress.

The introductory lessons are designed for learners to develop correct muscle memory when typing. The process systematically begins with home row weak fingers, and then adds top row and bottom row in a way that will automatically teach finger position and help break bad typing habits naturally.

While students progress from beginner to intermediate lessons, they will type text that works on proper reaches. These reaches refine proper keying technique. The advanced lessons teach how to type numbers and common symbols, and help students master the entire keyboard.

Timed typing tests are available in the app. Test options include beginner (lowercase only), intermediate (capitals and lowercase), and advanced (includes numbers and symbols). The typing test duration can be set between one and five minutes long, and the last 20 test results are saved and graphed in the stats area.

Accuracy data from each letter is recorded as students progress through the lessons. The program tracks how long is spent typing in each individual lesson and the overall time spent working in the app. Students earn points for each letter correctly typed, and stars are earned for finishing lessons with a high degree of accuracy.

Overall, I feel like this app is the best approach available for learning how to touch type quickly.


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Version History

Last version released 841 days ago.

2.0.0Nov 05, 2022

Caution 1.x versions updating will lose their scores and results.

This 2.0 Major update fixes many bugs and updates the interface in a major way.

1.3.2Nov 11, 2020

~option to omit semicolon lessons
~new advanced typing lessons for symbols: @, #, $, %
~adds sound on wrong key
~updates graphics on blinking key lessons
~new menu looks better and is easier to navigate
~lessons reordered, removed some redundant review lessons (they can still be completed through the legacy option in the menu if you want)
~made full screen interstitial ads less frequent...yay! Includes new banner ads instead....sorry!
~fixed a variety of bugs

1.2.2May 05, 2020

~Now works with 'soft' -onscreen keyboards! Why someone would learn to type with an onscreen keyboard is beyond my comprehension, but hey, you asked for it!
~Many performance updates.
~Bug fixes.
~Adds option to remove ads.
~Simple directions added.

1.0.8Jul 19, 2019

~Added typing lessons for learning numbers
~Optimized for Chromebooks and Tablets
~Verified ownership of and the Android app Free Typing Lessons and Test (see Google Play app download link at bottom of mentioned website for proof...)

LaunchedJun 03, 2019

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