BVV10 is a speed calculation simulator with a choice of actions and difficulty.
BVV10 is a speed calculation simulator with a choice of actions and difficulty.
Total Ratings
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BVV10 is a speed calculation simulator with a choice of arithmetic operations and difficulty level. It is useful for children to consolidate the skills of calculations, as well as for parents and teachers in controlling the mathematical activity of the child. The age of the child from the beginning of learning arithmetic to the beginning of forgetting it.
Tasks for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, negative numbers, decimal and ordinary fractions.
A feature of this version is a dynamic scoring system.
Version History
Last version released 594 days ago.
Updated application design, added: total rating and stars for achievements on the first page; a set of achievements to get stars; elements of control; button to repeat the test; the ability to manually switch the language.