Gamified, portable hearing tests
Gamified, portable hearing tests
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A world where hearing loss does not mean isolation.
There are over 360 million people worldwide with disabling hearing loss. A proportion of these people find it difficult to complete a normal hearing test due to a cognitive impairment. This could be down to age, disease or disability. We develop games aimed at these different cognitive abilities, games that actually engage the user. This opens up fast, accurate and portable hearing tests to everyone.
We deliver technology for those that find standard hearing tests difficult to complete. Our intelligent and portable design means that anyone can be tested anytime, anywhere
CLIK is a Class 1 medical application as defined in Directive 93/42/EEC. The medical purpose of CLIK is to assist audiology experts in determining whether a clinical diagnosis by the audiology team is required. Screening of patients is delivered through the gamification of traditional hearing tests.
Version History
Last version released 263 days ago.
Calibration lock added.
An upgrade to the game module for supporting SDK33.
Enable default access to the Screening option which was previously restricted.
By Default disabled the other options (Demo, Diagnostic & Adult-Screening)
Bug fixes and improvements.
Calibration settings have been redesigned to allow for finer control over audio output
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