Vodafone Trade-In
Trade in to a new device today.
Trade in to a new device today.
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You could get credit towards your Vodafone bill or new plan by trading in your old eligible mobile phones. Using the Vodafone Trade-In App, find out how much credit you could get for your eligible device.
Check your eligibility
Check that your device is eligible for trade-in. Eligible Devices are subject to change.
Complete an assessment
Using the Vodafone Trade-In App, you will complete a series of short and easy tests and answer some questions about your existing device to get a trade-in credit estimate. Trade-in credit is dependent on the condition of your device as assessed by Vodafone in store. Trade-in credit is subject to change.
Get your Trade ID
Your trade-in credit estimate includes a unique Trade ID, which is provided after you’ve completed the assessment of your device in the App. Take this to a Vodafone store with your eligible device and your valid ID.
T&C apply. Max 1 trade-in per 12 months. Max 2 trade-ups (trade-in with a new device upgrade) per 12 months. The Vodafone Trade-In App is free to purchase; however it requires the use of mobile data or a Wi-Fi connection to complete the assessment. Roaming charges will apply if App is accessed outside Australia.
Vodafone Trade-In App and Trade-In Program are powered by Asurion. Trade-in only available to Vodafone account holders with a postpaid mobile service and valid ID.
Version History
Last version released 889 days ago.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
UI fixes and build updates for improved user experience.
Bug fixes
UI Fixes and Improvements
Contact Centre Deferred
Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
Other Information
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