10 Zombie Bowling
10 Pin bowling with a twist. Why bowl at pins when you can bowl at zombies.
10 Pin bowling with a twist. Why bowl at pins when you can bowl at zombies.
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The zombie apocalypse of 2027 has taken a surprising turn, the virus has started shrinking the infected down to the size of a bowling pin. The up side to this is we now have a brand-new game “10 Zombie Bowling”.
The rules are the same as normal 10 pin bowling only the traditional pins have been replaced with zombies. Simply swipe up on your touch screen to bowl your ball at the zombies and see how many strikes you can get.
You can move your bowling start position left or right to try and get a better angle on the zombies. You can also swing the bowl to the left or right by directing your upward swipe a bit to the left or right.
Version History
Last version released 2066 days ago.
- Updated physics.
- Implemented user feedback.
- Improved game play on low end devices. (Set the quality to low in the options screen)
- Improved ways to share your score.
Now with multiple language support
- Users can now change the graphics quality under options so that you can find the best balance between looks and speed.
- Significant improvements to the games performance on mobile devices.
- Minor tweaks to game play.