The Phantom Fart Ghost Box

Communicate with ghosts, spirits, and demons using 100% real fart sound banks.

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Shows AdsNo
LaunchedJan 18, 2020
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Have you ever wanted to communicate with ghosts, spirits, demons, and more? You've tried out the average ghost box apps, and just left filling unfulfilled? Well do we have something for you... The Phantom Fart Box!

What does the fart box do? Well it's simple: A ghost box is a radio that scans through all the stations out loud, creating a mix of white noise, static, radio fragments, etc. People believe that spirits can manipulate audio and actually speak to us on these types of devices. What we have done is taken 1500 one second clips of 100% grade-A real life human farts (and a couple burps for added flavor) and we have put them into a random sweep between four sound banks for you to choose from. There is also a slider bar that increases/decreases the sweep rate.

The idea is that, if spirits can manipulate audio then they certainly should be able to manipulate our farts in this manner.

Now while this can be a fun application to bring on an investigation, it is also a 100% legitimate ITC experimental device that should not be taken lightly! Always be careful when diving into the unknown. Our best wishes to all of you.

May the farts be with you.


The Phantom Fart Ghost Box screenshot 1
The Phantom Fart Ghost Box screenshot 2
The Phantom Fart Ghost Box screenshot 3

Version History

Last version released 1891 days ago.

LaunchedJan 18, 2020

Other Information