Automations for Home Assistant
Drag & drop automations canvas
Drag & drop automations canvas
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Effortlessly create complex automations with just a few taps and bring your ideas to reality through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.
* Create triggers, conditions, and actions.
* Search and filter through your automatons
* Available for tablet
Please note that this app requires an existing Home Assistant installation.
Version History
Releasing updates every 7 days on average. Last update 162 days ago.
* The canvas now works with Home Assistant 2024.10
* Switched the home control section to a different app, this app focuses on the automation canvas
* Now available for tablets
* Conditions are added to the automation canvas.
* Fixed a bug where you could not scroll through media devices.
* Stability improvements
* Added support for fans
* Added support for toggles
This update fixes some small bugs.
This release fixes some bugs:
- The login flow would stop when switching to get a two-factor authentication code.
- Reopening the app sometimes showed a no connection screen or would loop the re-connection.
- Sensors moving around on the alarm page.
- Inability to find a hub that has an invalid SSL certificate.
- Being able to click on things when it was connecting.
* Fixed a bug where the app unnecessarily reconnects when the app is paused and then resumed.
* Fixed a bug where the selected days were sometimes ignored when creating a time trigger.
* Fixed a bug where sometimes the album cover did not appear in the media panel.
This release fixes over 100+ bugs and has implemented a lot of feedback from the initial release. With a completely new onboarding flow, all Home Assistant users will be able to use the app now.