Seriti 2Engage

The Seriti app allows employees to communicate directly with Seriti

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsNo
LaunchedFeb 18, 2020
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The Seriti Communication application is for Seriti employees. The Seriti app allows employees to communicate directly with Seriti as a company and stay connected.

Through the Seriti app, employees can stay up to date with all internal communications, events and notices anytime, anywhere using their mobile devices. The Seriti app will also be used for training purposes.


Seriti 2Engage screenshot 1
Seriti 2Engage screenshot 2

Version History

Last version released 184 days ago.

2.1.6Sep 20, 2024

2.1.19Aug 03, 2021

Improved file support

2.1.15Sep 12, 2020

Enhancements to Push notifications
Improved device compatibility

2.1.14Apr 05, 2020

Enhancements to Push notifications

LaunchedFeb 18, 2020

Other Information