First.. Then.. Transition Time

Application to help children and adults transition between activities smoother

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsYes
LaunchedOct 18, 2022
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Children and adults in the spectrum and/or ADHD often find themselves struggle in transition between activities.

Individuals with ASD and/or ADHD more likely to receive instructions better with visual communication instead of verbal communication.

A visual schedule like this app can help these individuals to get some ideas what they are expected to do now and help them anticipate the next activity.

People who are in the spectrum usually don't deal with unexpected activity or routine well, they do better when they know what their next routine is.

This method has been helpful for my daughter who happens to be in the spectrum and teach her that once she is done with a certain activity, the next activity is waiting for her.

This app also helps children and adults who struggle to express their feelings through facial expression. They can pick and click on the icon that represents how they feel at the moment with the "I'm feeling ..." feature.

For children and adults who have trouble sleeping, the "White Noise" feature may help wind you down and relax. You can choose the noise of rain, beach, river, car or just the sound of static to help calm you down before falling asleep.

Upcoming features in the next update:
-. more than 2 options (first -> next -> then -> after -> finally) for the visual schedule.
-. option to choose different avatar.
-. ability to use your own image(s).


First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 1
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 2
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 3
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 4
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 5
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 6
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 7
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 8
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 9
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 10
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 11
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 12
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 13
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 14
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 15
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 16
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 17
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 18
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 19
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 20
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 21
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 22
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 23
First.. Then.. Transition Time screenshot 24

Version History

Last version released 887 days ago.

LaunchedOct 18, 2022

Other Information