Air Conditioner Remote Control
Universal AC remote using infrared emitter: Air Conditioner Remote Control.
Universal AC remote using infrared emitter: Air Conditioner Remote Control.
Total Ratings
🌬️ Lost your AC remote? Control your air conditioner from your phone! 📱
🔑 Key Features:
💨 Compatible with a wide range of AC brands and models
💨 Remotely control your AC from anywhere
💨 Utilize your phone's IR blaster for smart control
💨 Verify compatibility with your AC brand before use
💨 Make your AC remote controllable by downloading this app!
🎮 Just ensure your phone supports IR functionality. 📡 This app is not affiliated with listed AC brands.
Transform your Air Conditioner Remote into a phone controller. Download the AC Remote Control app and bid farewell to your old remote. Share the Universal AC Controller with family members by having them download the Air Conditioner Remote Control app.
📱 Ensure your phone has an IR (Infrared Emitter). If it does, this app can function as an IR Blaster Remote Control. Note: Air Conditioner Remote Control is unofficial and not affiliated with the listed AC brands.
Version History
Last version released 194 days ago.
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