Your competitors’ advertising activity is now available in Market Explorer. This means that when you go to Market Overview to see how your competitors performed last month, you can answer questions like the following… right away!

Are impressions up or down in my market?

  • Who is increasing advertising spend?
  • Who is generating the most new creatives?
  • Who is generating the most new creatives?

A Real-World Example

If you’re a mental health app, the answer to the last two questions is Calm.

ME x Ad intel img 1 final

Is your next question, “Did the increases help performance at all”?

Navigate to the Advertising tab to find out!

(Spoiler alert: the impressions line up with greater new install volume in March than New Year’s resolution season in January – so its ad campaigns have something to teach us all!)

Compare Advertising Campaigns Across Competitors

ad tab in ME img 2 final

Drop into a dedicated view of your competitors’ campaigns. Here are all the questions you can answer and where to find them:

Performance Over Time

  • Who is getting the most impressions? 
  • How does that compare to X performance metric?
Observed Impressions vs Downloads (1)

Calm is getting the most impressions, and a lift in daily Downloads follows the spike in Observed Impressions. What did they do differently in the last 90 days? 


  • How have advertising strategies changed (creatives/ networks/ publisher volume)?
  • What is the impact on impressions?
Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 2.09.59 PM

Calm’s Creative volume is lower, but it is working with new 2 Ad Networks and 174 new Ad Publishers. 

Top Performing Creatives

  • What’s working for competitors?
  • What does a [insert ad dimension you don’t have] creative look like? 
  • What creatives are my competitors using for app install vs. website landing pages?
  • How do top-performing creatives differ across Social, Mobile Web, and In-app?
  • What works best on X network?
Screenshot 2023-05-01 at 1.19.23 PM

In this view, you notice the display ad that placed 113M impressions. That’s 1000% more than the next two top-performing ads.

Click into the Creative for campaign run time – February 28 through April 20 – which aligns with the increased downloads. 

Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 3.53.28 PM

By now, are your wheels turning about Calm’s – or your own app’s – advertising strategy? When more answers bring up more questions, you are onto something!

Recon You Can Count On

Our intention with this integrated view is that you can do the majority of your reconnaissance from one tab. In a case like this, where one app’s success is worth double-clicking on, you might open another one and view its advertising insights page. There you will see Calm’s shift from majority Social advertising in 2022 to diversifying ad placements among In App and Mobile Web this year.

P.S. There’s a new way to measure growth…

Introducing intra-period percent change

Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 5.07.20 PM

One last update to note! Now you can toggle from period-over-period percent change (the default) to view percent change for each Day/Week/Month compared to the beginning of the date range. 

Ready to check out your own market for insights? We’re here to help. If you’re already an Apptopia customer, ask your account team for any support you need to get the most out of these product updates.